我有以下 HTML:

<div class="dialog">
<div class="title title-with-sort-row">
    <div class="dialog-search-sort-bar">
<div class="content"><div style="margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 30px;">
    <span class="description2">
        With “Antonia Polygon – Standard”, you have a figure that is unique in the Poser community. 
        She is made available under a Creative Commons License that gives endless opportunities for further development. 
        This figure was developed by a group of talented members of the Poser community in a thirty-month effort. 
        The result is a figure that has very good bending and morphing behavior.
        <br />

我需要从 的几个 div 中找到这个 div class="dialog",然后在span class="description2".


description = soup.find(text = re.compile('Description'))
if description != None:
    someEl = description.parent
    parent1 = someEl.parent
    parent2 = parent1.parent
    description = parent2.find('span', {'class' : 'description2'})
    print 'Description: ' + str(description)


<span class="description2">
    With “Antonia Polygon – Standard”, you have a figure that is unique in the Poser community. 
    She is made available under a Creative Commons License that gives endless opportunities for further development. 
    This figure was developed by a group of talented members of the Poser community in a thirty-month effort. 
    The result is a figure that has very good bending and morphing behavior.

如果我尝试只获取文本,没有 HTML 和非 ASCII 字符,使用

description = description.get_text()

我得到一个(UnicodeEncodeError): 'ascii' codex can't encode character u'\x93'

如何将此 HTML 块转换为直接 ascii?


1 回答 1

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

foo = u'With “Antonia Polygon – Standard”, you have a figure that is unique in the Poser community.She is made available under a Creative Commons License that gives endless opportunities for further development. This figure was developed by a group of talented members of the Poser community in a thirty-month effort. The result is a figure that has very good bending and morphing behavior.'

print foo.encode('ascii', 'ignore')


首先是'ignore'编码方法的参数。它指示该方法删除不在所选编码范围内的字符(在这种情况下,ascii 是安全的)。

其次,我们通过在字符串前面加上 . 来明确地将 foo 设置为 unicode u

第三是显式文件编码指令:# -*- coding: utf8 -*-.

另外,如果您没有在此答案所附的评论中阅读 Daenyth 的非常好的观点,那么您就是一个愚蠢的笨蛋。如果要在 HTML/XML 中使用输出,则可以用于xmlcharrefreplace代替上面的大义。ignore

于 2012-05-07T12:31:04.390 回答