以下代码运行良好,但有时会报告“无效令牌”。当我的 ID 列表中有外国网站时,就会发生这种情况。但是当我使用电子邮件/密码对登录时,它一直运行良好。知道有什么问题吗?
session_start(); #the includes are as follows, using also gapi.class.php
require_once 'src/apiClient.php';
require_once 'src/contrib/apiAnalyticsService.php';
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
$client = new apiClient();
$client->setApplicationName("Google Analytics PHP Starter Application");
Visit https://code.google.com/apis/console?api=analytics to generate your client id, client secret, and to register your redirect uri.
$client->setClientId('');# MUST SET UP!
$client->setClientSecret('');# MUST SET UP!
$client->setRedirectUri('http://localhost/analytics/chart_server.php');# MUST SET UP!
$client->setDeveloperKey('');# MUST SET UP!
// requestReportData first parameter, an Analytics Profil ID must defined here:
$ga_profile_id='';# MUST SET UP!
$service = new apiAnalyticsService($client);
// logout
if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
// get the tooken from Google, store into the session, call back this script with header-location
if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
$_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
// if we got token in the session-ben, passing to $client (this is the OAuth client)
if (isset($_SESSION['token'])) {
// if the token valid, then we have access:
if ($client->getAccessToken()){
#$props = $service->management_webproperties->listManagementWebproperties("~all");
print "Web Properties " . print_r($props, true);
print("auth OK");//ok
print_r($client->getAccessToken()); // print out for test
$_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();// stor eback to the session
} else { // Authorize with OAuth cause we have no valid access token
$scope="https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/"; // we'd like to access this
$authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl($scope);
header("Location: ".$authUrl); /* Redirect browser */
# print "<a class='login' href='$authUrl'>Connect Me!</a>";
// test printout, OAuth account object:
$accounts = $service->management_accounts->listManagementAccounts();
print "List of accounts" . print_r($accounts, true) .;
// Here is the Google Analytics API call, and the "TOKEN INVALID 401" error message //
require 'gapi.class.php';
$ga = new gapi(null,null,$_SESSION['token']); // access token instead of mail, password pair
#$token=$ga->getAuthToken();# $_SESSION['token']
// http://code.google.com/p/gapi-google-analytics-php-interface/wiki/GAPIDocumentation
// requestReportData($report_id, $dimensions, $metrics, $sort_metric=null, $filter=null, $start_date=null, $end_date=null, $start_index=1, $max_results=30)
$dimensions=array('browser','date');// x coord
$metrics=array('visits','pageLoadTime','uniquePageviews'); // y coord
$sort_metric="-date"; #descending order
$filter = '';
$startDate = '2012-04-01';
$endDate = '2012-04-12';
#$ga->requestReportData($accProfiles[$profileNum]->getProfileId(),$dimensions,$metrics,$sort_metric,$filter, $start_date, $end_date, $start_index, $max_results );
$ga->requestReportData($ga_profile_id, $dimensions, $metrics, $sort_metric, $filter, $startDate, $endDate, $start_index, $max_results );
// test:
echo "Google Analytics data ";print_r($results);
#echo "#####".$ga->getMetrics();
// Set the JSON header
//header("Content-type: text/json");
#echo json_encode( array($dim, $met1, $met2, $met3 ) );