是否可以使用 GD 库创建动画 gif?我希望用户上传 png/jpeg 并从图像中生成 2 帧动画 gif。谢谢


2 回答 2


这个问题很老,但这里有一个用 PHP 创建动画 GIF 的新库:https ://github.com/Sybio/GifCreator

于 2012-09-26T09:37:03.800 回答

There is a good post about it on SO : Create Animated Gif with Jpeg Images

You can't do it with GD Functions, but there is a class on phpclasses.org to do this, check that : PHP Classes GIF Animation From

You can also find a good tutorial about it here : Tutorial Generate Animated GIF PHP

于 2012-04-21T15:40:06.980 回答