struct A{
int i,j;//members i and j
A(int ii,int jj) : i(ii),j(ii){} //A constructor. Short form of A(int ii,int jj){i = ii;j = jj;} Original code is wrong too. Should be j(jj) instead of j(ii)
A(const A&a){}//Another constructor. It is missing the assignment
A& operator =(const A& a){
}//Equal operator overload definition for A = another A. It copies the data from another A and assign to this new one
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct A{
int i,j;
A(int ii,int jj) : i(ii),j(jj){}
A(const A&a){i=a.i;j=a.j;}
A& operator =(const A& a){i=a.i;j=a.j;}
int main()
int i;
A a(1,2);
A b(2,3);
A z = (a=b);
cout<<z.i<<" "<<z.j<<endl;
return 0;