好的,这是我的问题。在我将变量压入堆栈然后为局部变量创建空间之后。从程序返回之前,如何使用 DumpMem 显示堆栈?

include irvine32.inc

X   sdword   10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 40, -40

mov ecx, offset x
push ecx
call StackProcedure

StackProcedure PROC
        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp
        sub esp, 32
        lea esi, [ebp-32]
        mov ecx, 32
L1:     mov BYTE PTR [esi], '*'
        inc esi
        loop L1
        add esp, 32
        pop ebp
StackProcedure ENDP

invoke exitProcess,0
end begin

2 回答 2



include irvine32.inc

    X sdword   10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 40, -40


StackProcedure PROC
    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    sub esp, 32
    lea esi, [ebp-32]
    mov ecx, 32
L1: mov BYTE PTR [esi], '*'
    inc esi
    loop L1

        mov esi, esp                ; Start address
        mov ecx, 48                 ; Number of bytes to dump
        mov ebx, 1                  ; 1 - size byte
        call DumpMem                ; call Irvine's DumpMem

    add esp, 32
    pop ebp
StackProcedure ENDP

main PROC
    mov ecx, offset x
    push ecx
    call StackProcedure
    invoke exitProcess,0
main ENDP

END main

我想这实际上并没有被问到。Irvine'sDumpMem没有显示除起始地址外的地址,也没有反汇编程序转储中预期的等效 ASCII 字符。由于它有自己的显示(标题和换行符),它不能嵌入到提供附加信息的函数之间。这是一个显示一行 16 字节的函数,其中包含地址、十六进制值和 ASCII 字符:

include irvine32.inc

    X sdword   10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 40, -40


DumpMemLine PROC C USES EBX ESI, address:PTR      ; dumps 16 bytes hex & char
    mov eax, address
    call WriteHex               ; call Irvine's WriteHex (8 hex digits)
    mov al, ' '
    call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)
    call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)

    mov esi, address
    mov ecx, 16
    mov al, [esi]
    cmp al, 14                  ; ASCII code >= 14d?
    jae @F                      ; Yes, can be written unchanged
    cmp al, 7                   ; ASCII code < 7d?
    jb @F                       ; Yes, can be written unchanged
    cmp al, 11                  ; ASCII code == 11d?
    je @F                       ; Yes, can be written unchanged
    cmp al, 12                  ; ASCII code == 12d?
    je @F                       ; Yes, can be written unchanged
    mov al, ' '                 ; Replace characters that `WriteChar` will "cook" (7,8,9,10,13)
    @@:                         ; This is label where the `jcond @F` jump to
    mov ebx, 1                  ; Two hex digits
    call WriteHexB              ; call Irvine's WriteHexB
    mov al, ' '
    call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)
    inc esi
    loop L1
    call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar (space)

    mov esi, address
    mov ecx, 16
    mov al, [esi]
    call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar
    inc esi
    loop @B

    mov al, 10
    call WriteChar              ; call Irvine's WriteChar (line feed)

DumpMemLine ENDP

StackProcedure PROC
    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    sub esp, 32
    lea esi, [ebp-32]
    mov ecx, 32
L1: mov BYTE PTR [esi], '*'
    inc esi
    loop L1

        mov esi, esp                ; Start address
        mov ecx, 48                 ; Number of bytes to dump
        mov ebx, 1                  ; 1 - size byte
        call DumpMem                ; call Irvine's DumpMem

        ; Dump three lines à 16 bytes
        push esp                    ; Argument for DumpMemLine
        call DumpMemLine
        add dword ptr [esp], 16     ; Increment the pushed argument
        call DumpMemLine
        add dword ptr [esp], 16     ; Increment the pushed argument
        call DumpMemLine
        add esp, 4                  ; Clean up the stack

    add esp, 32
    pop ebp
StackProcedure ENDP

main PROC
    mov ecx, offset x
    push ecx
    call StackProcedure
    invoke exitProcess,0
main ENDP

END main
于 2015-12-30T10:42:20.273 回答

我认为您正在尝试查看内存转储,如果它是正确的,您可以使用 GDB 调试器来调试您的程序,还可以通过设置断点来查看寄存器、段、控制寄存器、帧等内存详细信息,并点击链接以获取有关 GDB 的更多信息,

于 2012-04-26T06:15:38.433 回答