下面的类旨在按行索引单词的位置。引发错误的方法旨在将单独文档的索引附加到当前索引上。也就是说,如果第一个文档中有 6 行,则附加文档的第一行应该被索引为第 7 行。
public class DocumentIndex {
// a NavigableMap implementation to store indexed words and their locations
private TreeMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> map = new TreeMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>();
* A method to append another index onto the main index
* @param indexAppendix the additional index to be appended onto the main index
public void append(DocumentIndex indexAppendix){
if(indexAppendix == null){
throw new NullPointerException();
Integer docEnd = 0; // the last line recorded in the main index
Set<String> set = map.keySet(); // a Set of the key values from map
//select each key
for(Iterator<String> iter = set.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
String key = iter.next(); // the current key value
// for each key select contents and determine the highest value
for(Iterator<Integer> iter2 = this.find(key).iterator(); iter2.hasNext();){
Integer compare = iter2.next(); // the key index current value
// for each key find an index value
for(Iterator<String> iter = set.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
String key = iter.next(); // the current key value
// for each index value map that value adjusting for the length of the original document
ArrayList<Integer> toAdd = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(Iterator<Integer> iter2 = this.find(key).iterator(); iter2.hasNext();){
Integer addIter = iter2.next();
toAdd.add(addIter); // the current index value
*Below is the loop in which the error is thrown
for(Iterator<Integer> iter3 = toAdd.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
Integer addIter = iter3.next(); // The error is thrown on this line