As the title says I'm attempting to retrieve a json from an api given by the site. I've tried a variety of things now and have gotten varied results. I want to be able to retrieve and parse the json to get the information that I want out of it. Here's what I've tried:
1) $.ajax() Code chunk (runs when a button is clicked):
type: 'GET',
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
This produces a "Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin." error and does not get a response from the server (for Chrome or FF, I don't care about IE since this is a small project for my use). Looking around I thought the problem might be that I need it to be a jsonp dataType since I am trying to connect to an outside website. This lead me to try #2
2) $.ajax with jsonp dataType
type: 'GET',
url: url,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
I also appended "&callback=?" to the end of "url" that I give to the function. Using Chrom's Dev Tool I can see a response from the server this time but the alert never displays. I used JSONLINT to confirm that the response was a proper json (it is) and I've tried setting the json to a variable so I can play with it (along the lines of initializing a variable earlier in the script tag [var response;] and trying to assign the json to it[response = data;]). This produced undefined when I tried to alert(response); later on (I don't believe the response=json; bit ever got called for some reason).
I've also tried using $.getJSON but looking at the api for it it apparently just runs $.ajax anyway (I luckily got the same responses/errors when trying json vs jsonp for $.getJSON as I did when trying $.ajax). When I try as a jsonp Chrome (FF doesn't produce this error) shows a "Unexpected Syntax Error: Unexpected token :". This makes me think that the site I'm trying to talk to doesn't have jsonp working and I can't access the third party site as just a json request. The link talks about how setting the server to return as application/json rather than text/html, like I get from my response, fixed the problem for them (but again, I'm trying to access a third party site and thus I can't access the server).
I've tried this in Chrome and FF and looked at Dev Tools/Firebug for each and seen the same thing (though FF doesn't produce the origin error, but that's apparently a bug with Chrome anyway).
Also: I've taken the json response returned and run $.parseJSON on it and been able to grab various pieces but how can I access the json once I get $.ajax/$.getJSON working?
Any thoughts/solutions would be greatly appreciated.