我遇到的问题解释起来有点复杂,所以请多多包涵。我有 2 个按钮控件。在页面加载中,我想知道哪个按钮在页面加载时创建了回发。通过研究,我在下面找到了这个片段,它按预期工作。所以这是我点击按钮时发生的事件场景。

   1. Click the button does a postback
   2. Runs the function below and tell me the id of the button
   3. Runs the clicked event handlers for that button

     Protected Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles  btnCalc.Click
          ' Do this
     End Sub

当我单击第二个按钮时,问题就出现了,它执行第 1 步和第 2 步,但从不执行第 3 步。通过测试,我发现它只在单击第一个按钮时执行 1、2 和 3。我不知道为什么会这样?

     Function GetPostBackControlName() As String

      Dim control As Control = Nothing
      Dim ctrlname As String = Page.Request.Params("__EVENTTARGET")

    If ctrlname <> Nothing AndAlso ctrlname <> [String].Empty Then
        control = Page.FindControl(ctrlname)
        Dim ctrlStr As String = [String].Empty
        Dim c As Control = Nothing

        For Each ctl As String In Page.Request.Form

            c = Page.FindControl(ctl) 

           If TypeOf c Is System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Then
                control = c
                Exit For
           End If


    End If

        Return control.ID.ToString
        Return ""
    End Try

    End Function

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