
问题是这样的:假设我们有 N 台机器,并且每台机器存储并可以操作它的 N 个元素,那么,我们如何以最低的成本找到所有 N^2 个元素的中位数?




  1. 使用外部排序,如合并排序或其他方法,并找到中位数。
  2. 使用桶排序,将所有元素按照其值分成X个连续的桶,这样我们就可以决定中位数在哪个桶中。扫描桶,我们将得到中位数。
  3. 我认为在“算法简介”中的 O(N) 算法中找到第 k 个数应该在这里工作吗?

但是,所有这些解决方案仍然需要一台额外的机器来完成这项工作。我想知道是否有一种方法可以只使用这 N 台机器来获得中位数?



3 回答 3


Can you estimate it rather than get it exactly?

If so, pick a constant K and fit a K-coefficient polynomial to the data on each machine, send the coefficients to a central machine that adds them and then finds the median by

  1. Integrating the curve over the range to find the area under the curve
  2. Doing a root-finding algorithm to find the point that splits the area in half.

The bigger K is, the less error there will be. The smaller K is, the more efficient it will be.

于 2012-04-20T18:33:25.167 回答


于 2012-04-20T16:49:20.600 回答
Step 1: Sort the numbers at each machine individually
Step 2: Send the median at each machine to a central place
Step 3: Sort the medians and send it to each machine
Step 4: For each element in the sorted medians calculate the rank at machine level
Step 5: Calculate the rank of each element over all machines (just sum the rank)
Step 6: Find two elements in the sorted medians between which the global median exists
Step 7: For the next iteration consider only elements between those two medians 
        and repeat the whole thing again


复杂性:很确定它是 O(nlogn) (即包括颚化它可以是 O(n^2logn)

于 2012-04-20T17:13:24.723 回答