我想从 CGImageRef 获取压缩数据以通过网络连接发送它。为此,我使用 CGImageDestinationRef (CGImageDestinationCreateWithData)。
将数据从 CFDataRef 对象中拉出后,图像在底部丢失了几行。
CFImageRef image = getTheImageRefIWant();
CFMutableDataRef pngData = CFDataCreateMutable (kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
CGImageDestinationRef dataDest = CGImageDestinationCreateWithData (pngData, kUTTypePNG, 1, NULL);
CGImageDestinationAddImage (dataDest, image, NULL); //also tried this with options...
CGImageDestinationFinalize (dataDest);
CFIndex len = CFDataGetLength(pngData);
//copy data
unsigned char* m_image = malloc(len);
CFDataGetBytes (pngData, CFRangeMake(0,len), m_image);
//save data - for testing purpose
FILE *file = fopen("/path/test.png", "wb");
fwrite(m_image, 1, len, file);
//adding header and stuff - skipped here...
//send data
send(sockfd, m_image, len, 0);
如果我使用 CFData 对象作为 NSData 对象并将其保存到磁盘,它确实可以工作:
NSData *data = [(NSData *)pngData autorelease];
[data writeToFile:@"/path/test.png" atomically:YES];
但如果是使用 NSDatas 字节方法,它是相同的(截断图像):
NSUInteger len = [data length];
m_image = malloc(len);
memcpy(m_image, (unsigned char*)[data bytes], len);
似乎 CFData 对象中的数据似乎没问题。但是如何正确获取字节?