这是一个动态规划问题,可以在 O(mn) 时间内解决,其中 m 是一个字符串的长度,n 是另一个字符串的长度。
像使用动态规划解决的任何其他问题一样,我们将问题划分为子问题。假设两个字符串是 x1x2x3....xm 和 y1y2y3...yn
S(i,j) 是 x1x2x3...xi 和 y1y2y3....yj 的最长公共字符串,则
S(i,j) = max { 以 xi/yj 结尾的最长公共子串的长度, if ( x[i] == y[j] ), S(i-1, j-1), S(i, j -1), S(i-1, j) }
这是Java中的工作程序。我相信您可以将其转换为 C++。:
public class LongestCommonSubstring {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str1 = "abcdefgijkl";
String str2 = "mnopabgijkw";
public static String getLongestCommonSubstring(String str1, String str2) {
//Note this longest[][] is a standard auxialry memory space used in Dynamic
//programming approach to save results of subproblems.
//These results are then used to calculate the results for bigger problems
int[][] longest = new int[str2.length() + 1][str1.length() + 1];
int min_index = 0, max_index = 0;
//When one string is of zero length, then longest common substring length is 0
for(int idx = 0; idx < str1.length() + 1; idx++) {
longest[0][idx] = 0;
for(int idx = 0; idx < str2.length() + 1; idx++) {
longest[idx][0] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < str2.length(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < str1.length(); j++) {
int tmp_min = j, tmp_max = j, tmp_offset = 0;
if(str2.charAt(i) == str1.charAt(j)) {
//Find length of longest common substring ending at i/j
while(tmp_offset <= i && tmp_offset <= j &&
str2.charAt(i - tmp_offset) == str1.charAt(j - tmp_offset)) {
//tmp_min will at this moment contain either < i,j value or the index that does not match
//So increment it to the index that matches.
//Length of longest common substring ending at i/j
int length = tmp_max - tmp_min + 1;
//Find the longest between S(i-1,j), S(i-1,j-1), S(i, j-1)
int tmp_max_length = Math.max(longest[i][j], Math.max(longest[i+1][j], longest[i][j+1]));
if(length > tmp_max_length) {
min_index = tmp_min;
max_index = tmp_max;
longest[i+1][j+1] = length;
} else {
longest[i+1][j+1] = tmp_max_length;
return str1.substring(min_index, max_index >= str1.length() - 1 ? str1.length() - 1 : max_index + 1);