Im trying to include 1 exe and 3 dll's into a single exe file using ilmerge.

I can run the normal exe file, if the 3 dll's are in the same folder. So I know the program is working as intended.

I then use ilmerge like this:

ilmerge /target:winexe /out:Run.exe IncidentReportGenerator.exe 
iTextSharp.dll Newtonsoft.Json.dll RestSharp.dll  

This completes without errors and im left with the Run.exe (and Run.pdb). But when i now double click on Run.exe nothing happens.

In taskmng Run.exe shows up, and disaperes again after 5-6 sec. IncidentReportGenerator.exe is a console application. Double clicking this opens a console, as mentioned before.

Anyone have a idea, why this dosen't work?


1 回答 1


你用 GUI 界面试试这个工具吗

于 2012-05-07T11:08:45.863 回答