I released 2 days ago an update to my Wordpress plugin. Which can be viewed here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lanoba-social/

The version went from 1.3 to 2.0 and (now to 2.01 as a test). When I look at the subversion repository, all my changes are reflected on Wordpress' servers. http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/lanoba-social/trunk/

In fact, all websites using our plugin are detecting that there are updates too (and updates are succesful).

The problem is that the description of the plugin, the changelog and installation instructions (see first link) are not reflecting the visible changes in svn (see 2nd link).

The weird thing is that the screenshots ARE displaying the new ones and I am able to rename the plugin but it stops there.

If anyone has any ideas on what I am doing wrong, I would really appreciate some help.


1 回答 1



  • 更新 readme.txt 文件中的“稳定”版本号
  • 使用该版本号在 SVN 中创建一个新的标记版本
  • 更新插件主 .php 文件中的版本号,我认为这是显示的版本号


如果您只更新主 .php 文件中的版本号,我认为您可以看到显示的新版本号,但存储库关于谁是当前的想法不会得到更新。这是一个陷阱,我自己也遇到了困难。


定义各个字段的来源的常见问题解答: http ://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/about/faq/

如何使用 SVN 管理插件: http ://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/about/svn/

注意:这个“使用 SVN 管理插件”文档描述了如何更新版本,并明确提到了更新 trunk/readme.txt 文件中的稳定标签。 我强烈怀疑插件页面上显示的版本取自插件主 .php 文件,而进行更新的实际版本取自 readme.txt 稳定标记和 svn 标记版本。 在我看来,这可能是一个错误,至少非常令人困惑,而且我认为绝对没有记录......

于 2012-07-14T02:51:33.447 回答