
例如:假设我的语料库包含以下句子:1)我去中国。2)你爱他。3)你在哪里?我只“知道”或想要只包含这些字符的句子:1)我 2)中 3) 国 4) 你 5) 在 6) 去 7) 爱 8) 哪 9) 里。第一个句子将作为结果返回,因为它的所有三个字符都在我的第二个数组中。第二句会被拒绝,因为我没有要求你或他。第三句将作为结果返回。标点符号被忽略(以及任何字母数字字符)。

我有一个可以执行此操作的工作脚本(如下)。我想知道这是否是一种有效的方法。如果您有兴趣,请查看并提出更改建议,自己编写或提供一些建议。我从这个脚本中收集了一些并检查了一些 stackoverflow 问题,但他们没有解决这种情况。

$known_characters = parse_file("FILENAME") // retrieves target characters
$sentences = parse_csv("FILENAME"); // retrieves the text corpus

$number_wanted = 30; // number of sentences to attempt to retrieve

$found = array(); // stores results
$number_found = 0; // number of results
$character_known = false; // assume character is not known
$sentence_known = true; // assume sentence matches target characters

foreach ($sentences as $s) {

    // retrieves an array of the sentence
    $sentence_characters = mb_str_split($s->ttext);

    foreach ($sentence_characters as $sc) {
        // check to see if the character is alpha-numeric or punctuation
        // if so, then ignore.
        $pattern = '/[a-zA-Z0-9\s\x{3000}-\x{303F}\x{FF00}-\x{FF5A}]/u';
        if (!preg_match($pattern, $sc)) {
            foreach ($known_characters as $kc) {;
                if ($sc==$kc) {
                    // if character is known, move to next character
                    $character_known = true;
        } else {
            // character is known if it is alpha-numeric or punctuation
            $character_known = true;
        if (!$character_known) {
            // if character is unknown, move to next sentence
            $sentence_known = false;
        $character_known = false; // reset for next iteration
    if ($sentence_known) {
        // if sentence is known, add it to results array
        $found[] = $s->ttext;
        $number_found = $number_found+1;
    if ($number_found==$number_wanted)
        break; // if required number of results are found, break

    $sentence_known = true; // reset for next iteration 

1 回答 1



$pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\x{3000}-\x{303F}\x{FF00}-\x{FF5A}我中国你在去爱哪里]/u';
if (preg_match($pattern, $sentence) {
    // the sentence contains characters besides a-zA-Z0-9, punctuation
    // and the selected characters
} else {
    // the sentence contains only the allowed characters

确保将源代码文件保存为 UTF-8。

于 2012-04-20T12:58:46.463 回答