我在 AppleScript 中有一个简单的“重复”,并且想有条件地转到“重复”中的下一个项目。基本上我正在寻找其他语言中类似于“继续”(或中断?)的东西。
我不精通 AppleScript,但我发现它现在有用几次。
我在 AppleScript 中有一个简单的“重复”,并且想有条件地转到“重复”中的下一个项目。基本上我正在寻找其他语言中类似于“继续”(或中断?)的东西。
我不精通 AppleScript,但我发现它现在有用几次。
Applescript has exit repeat
AppleScript 中不存在类似 - 的功能,但这里有一个模拟它的技巧:
set aList to {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}
repeat with anItem in aList -- # actual loop
repeat 1 times -- # fake loop
set value to item 1 of anItem
if value = "3" then exit repeat -- # simulated `continue`
display dialog value
end repeat
end repeat
这将显示 1、2、4 和 5 的对话框。
在这里,您创建了两个循环:外循环是您的实际循环,内循环是只重复一次的循环。将exit repeat
显然,如果你使用这个,你将失去做一个正常的能力exit repeat
set aList to {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}
repeat with anItem in aList -- # actual loop
set value to item 1 of anItem
if value = "3" then error 0 -- # simulated `continue`
log value
end try
end repeat
set aList to {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}
repeat with anItem in aList -- # actual loop
try -- # needed to simulate continue
set value to item 1 of anItem
if value = "3" then continueRepeat -- # simulated `continue` throws an error to exit the try block
log value
on error e
if e does not contain "continueRepeat" then error e -- # Keeps error throwing intact
end try
end repeat
基于上面基于 try 块的方法,但读取效果稍好。当然,由于没有定义 continueRepeat ,因此会抛出一个错误,从而导致 try 块的其余部分被跳过。
为了保持错误抛出的完整性,包括抛出任何意外错误的 on error 子句。
-- 或者你可以使用不同的策略:使用循环来循环,并在处理程序中执行条件逻辑,如下所示:
set aList to {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}
repeat with anItem in aList
doConditionalWork(anItem as string)
end repeat
on doConditionalWork(value)
if value = "3" then return
display dialog value
end doConditionalWork
set aList to {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}
repeat with anItem in aList
set value to item 1 of anItem
if value is not "3" then log value
end repeat
您还可以对仅有条件地重复的循环使用“repeat while”。
根据 Tom Lokhorst 的回答,这里有一个变体,可以根据您设置的变量执行break
or 。为此,在外部(非假)循环的末尾,您添加continue
if isExit then
exit repeat
end if
set aList to {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}
repeat with anItem in aList -- actual loop
set isExit to false
repeat 1 times -- fake loop
-- do your stuff
set value to item 1 of anItem
if value = "3" then
-- simulated `continue`
set isExit to false
exit repeat
end if
if value = "69" then
-- simulated `break`
set isExit to true
exit repeat
end if
display dialog value
end repeat
if isExit then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
repeat <condition_repeat>
if <condition_continue> then
end if
if <condition_break> then
end if
end repeat
repeat <condition_repeat>
set isExit to false -- added
repeat 1 times -- added
if <condition_continue> then
set isExit to false -- changed
exit repeat -- changed
end if
if <condition_break> then
set isExit to true -- changed
exit repeat -- changed
end if
end repeat -- added
if isExit then -- added
exit repeat -- added
end if -- added
end repeat