I am developing a website for a church. As you can imagine, a church is quite tall in height. If you place a photo of that building into a horizontal banner of a size of let's say 700x200 there's no way you will see much of the building in the photo.

I can't really change much of the design anymore so I searched around and found Crossslide:


If you scroll down to the 2nd example (Slide and cross-fade) you will see that one image is shown and it goes from top to bottom so to speak. I tried implementing this script but failed and gave up after many, many hours. Another issue is that the creater of that plugin doesn't give any more support. So now I am hoping if you guys/girls have alternative idea's / plugin's.

We do not want to use Flash though. So jQuery would be the best solution. Does anyone know a nice plugin that does that CrossSlide did in the 2nd example?

Thank you.


1 回答 1


我知道这很旧,但我猜你只是用 1 张图片来尝试它。



var $image = 'images/our_practice_banner.jpg'

  loop: 1,
  fade: 1
}, [
    src:  $image,
    from: 'top right 1.5x',
    to:   'center center 1x',
    time: 4
    src:  $image,
    from: 'center center 1x',
    to:   'center center 1x',
    time: 4
于 2012-08-31T17:59:26.767 回答