typedef boost::unordered_map<int, void*> OneDimentionalNodes;
typedef boost::unordered_map<int, OneDimentionalNodes> TwoDimentionalNodes;

TwoDimentionalNodes nodes;


我不使用任何散列函数,因为 unordered_maps 的键是单个整数。它可以编译,但是当我像这样迭代它时,它在尝试访问 this->hash_function()(k) 时崩溃;

for (TwoDimentionalNodes::iterator it= nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end() ; ++it)
   for(OneDimentionalNodes::iterator it2 = nodes[it->first].begin(); it2 != nodes[it->first].end() ; ++it2)
   // do stuff


  • O(1) 访问
  • O(n) 次迭代

2 回答 2


If you just need to iterator over all elements, and it is not required to loop over a specific dimension, then you could use a simple pair as key for your unordered_map, like this:

typedef std::pair<int,int> Coordinates;
typedef std::unordered_map<Coordinates,void *> TwoDimensionalNodes;

(notice I used STL instead of Boost, unordered_map is now also part of the standard STL).

Getting a specific value is simply writing:


(or use find if you're not sure if that value is in your map).

To iterate, just iterate over the unordered map:

for (auto it=twoDimensionalNodes.begin();it!=twoDimensionalNodes.end();++it)
   std::cout << "x=" << it->first.first;
   std::cout << "y=" << it->first.second;
   std::cout << "value=" << it->second;

To make it a bit more readable, I prefer getting the coordinates first from the iterator, like this:

for (auto it=twoDimensionalNodes.begin();it!=twoDimensionalNodes.end();++it)
   Coordinates &coordinates = it->first;
   std::cout << "x=" << coordinates.first;
   std::cout << "y=" << coordinates.second;
   std::cout << "value=" << it->second;

If you have more than 2 dimensions, use std::tuple, or simply write your own Coordinates class to be used as key for the map.

于 2012-04-20T11:30:54.010 回答

使用std::unordered_map<unordered_map>. 尝试以这种方式专门化 std 哈希类:

namespace std
    template<typename T> 
    struct hash<void*>
        std::size_t operator()(void * ptr) const
            return (std::size_t)ptr;
于 2012-04-20T11:20:57.327 回答