我的 Android 应用程序崩溃了,在 LogCat 中留下了这个不太有见地的消息:(关于应用程序的信息:它应该成为一个游戏。有一天。在我的渲染循环中,一切正常,大约 100 帧。这个问题发生在我添加了 OpenGL 方法之后绘制形状。)

04-20 10:45:12.714: I/DEBUG(31): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-20 10:45:12.714: I/DEBUG(31): Build fingerprint: 'generic/sdk/generic:2.3.3/GRI34/101070:eng/test-keys'
04-20 10:45:12.714: I/DEBUG(31): pid: 950, tid: 960  >>> game.main <<<
04-20 10:45:12.714: I/DEBUG(31): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 002ba000
04-20 10:45:12.714: I/DEBUG(31):  r0 80000000  r1 ffffff99  r2 0000008e  r3 00010000
04-20 10:45:12.714: I/DEBUG(31):  r4 002b9ff8  r5 002a5300  r6 0000000e  r7 002b9ff8
04-20 10:45:12.714: I/DEBUG(31):  r8 0000000c  r9 00000012  10 00000000  fp 002a4060
04-20 10:45:12.724: I/DEBUG(31):  ip 00000029  sp 43fceae0  lr ac405980  pc ac405984  cpsr a0000010
04-20 10:45:12.824: I/DEBUG(31):          #00  pc 00005984  /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
04-20 10:45:12.824: I/DEBUG(31):          #01  pc 0000416c  /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
04-20 10:45:12.824: I/DEBUG(31):          #02  pc 00005540  /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
04-20 10:45:12.824: I/DEBUG(31):          #03  pc 000060a8  /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
04-20 10:45:12.824: I/DEBUG(31):          #04  pc 00017d74  /system/lib/libdvm.so
04-20 10:45:12.824: I/DEBUG(31): code around pc:
04-20 10:45:12.824: I/DEBUG(31): ac405964 e5920000 e1a05001 e1a04002 ebfff8f6 
04-20 10:45:12.824: I/DEBUG(31): ac405974 e5850000 e5940004 ebfff8f3 e5850004 
04-20 10:45:12.824: I/DEBUG(31): ac405984 e5940008 ebfff8f0 e5850008 e8bd8070 
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31): ac405994 e92d4070 e5920000 e1a05001 e1a04002 
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31): ac4059a4 ebfff8e9 e5850000 e5940004 ebfff8e6 
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31): code around lr:
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31): ac405960 e92d4070 e5920000 e1a05001 e1a04002 
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31): ac405970 ebfff8f6 e5850000 e5940004 ebfff8f3 
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31): ac405980 e5850004 e5940008 ebfff8f0 e5850008 
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31): ac405990 e8bd8070 e92d4070 e5920000 e1a05001 
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31): ac4059a0 e1a04002 ebfff8e9 e5850000 e5940004 
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31): stack:
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceaa0  419036d8  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (deleted)
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceaa4  80049123  /system/lib/libdvm.so
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceaa8  4057b168  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceaac  80085704  /system/lib/libdvm.so
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceab0  00000007  
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceab4  0000001c  
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceab8  002a3920  [heap]
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceabc  0000001c  
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceac0  002a3920  [heap]
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceac4  0000e810  [heap]
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceac8  002a4c00  [heap]
04-20 10:45:12.834: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceacc  00000010  
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fcead0  002a5200  [heap]
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fcead4  ac410788  /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fcead8  df002777  
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceadc  e3a070ad  
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31): #00 43fceae0  002a5300  [heap]
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceae4  002a3920  [heap]
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceae8  0000000e  
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceaec  ac404170  /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31): #01 43fceaf0  00000012  
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceaf4  002a4c00  [heap]

04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceaf8  002a3920  [heap]
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceafc  00000012  
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceb00  00000012  
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceb04  00000000  
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceb08  00003f3f  
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceb0c  00000542  
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceb10  442c89f7  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)
04-20 10:45:12.844: I/DEBUG(31):     43fceb14  ac405544  /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
04-20 10:45:13.974: I/BootReceiver(61): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_00 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
04-20 10:45:14.004: D/Zygote(33): Process 950 terminated by signal (11)
04-20 10:45:14.004: E/InputDispatcher(61): channel '406bdbd0 game.main/game.main.Game (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x8
04-20 10:45:14.004: E/InputDispatcher(61): channel '406bdbd0 game.main/game.main.Game (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!

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