04-21 02:27:40.341: E/vold(27): Error opening switch name path '/sys/class/switch/test2' (No such file or directory)

04-21 02:27:40.341: E/vold(27): Error bootstrapping switch '/sys/class/switch/test2' (No such file or directory)

04-21 02:27:40.341: E/vold(27): Error opening switch name path '/sys/class/switch/test' (No such file or directory)

04-21 02:27:40.341: E/vold(27): Error bootstrapping switch '/sys/class/switch/test' (No such file or directory)

04-21 02:27:49.111: E/BatteryService(52): usbOnlinePath not found

04-21 02:27:49.111: E/BatteryService(52): batteryVoltagePath not found

04-21 02:27:49.111: E/BatteryService(52): batteryTemperaturePath not found

04-21 02:27:49.111: E/SurfaceFlinger(52): Couldn't open /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep or /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake

04-21 02:27:52.211: E/EventHub(52): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse0, Not a typewriter

04-21 02:27:52.211: E/EventHub(52): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter

04-21 02:27:53.231: E/System(52): Failure starting core service

04-21 02:27:53.231: E/System(52): java.lang.SecurityException

04-21 02:27:53.231: E/System(52):   at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)

04-21 02:27:53.231: E/System(52):   at android.os.ServiceManagerProxy.addService(ServiceManagerNative.java:146)

04-21 02:27:53.231: E/System(52):   at android.os.ServiceManager.addService(ServiceManager.java:72)

04-21 02:27:53.231: E/System(52):   at com.android.server.ServerThread.run(SystemServer.java:176)

04-21 02:27:53.251: E/AndroidRuntime(52): Crash logging skipped, no checkin service

04-21 02:28:01.915: E/ActivityThread(102): Failed to find provider info for android.server.checkin

04-21 02:28:03.255: E/ActivityThread(102): Failed to find provider info for android.server.checkin

04-21 02:28:03.325: E/ActivityThread(102): Failed to find provider info for android.server.checkin

04-21 02:28:05.265: E/MediaPlayerService(31): Couldn't open fd for content://settings/system/notification_sound

04-21 02:28:05.295: E/MediaPlayer(52): Unable to to create media player

04-21 02:28:13.005: E/AndroidRuntime(131): ERROR: thread attach failed

04-21 02:28:14.785: E/AndroidRuntime(210): ERROR: thread attach failed

04-21 02:28:14.975: E/jdwp(222): Failed sending req to debugger: Broken pipe (-1 of 27)

04-21 02:28:14.975: E/jdwp(222): Failed sending req to debugger: Broken pipe (-1 of 27)

04-21 02:28:14.975: E/jdwp(222): Failed sending reply to debugger: Broken pipe

1 回答 1


我认为问题出在您的本机函数签名中。您应该使用 JNIEXPORT 和 JNICALL 来处理它。


这是示例:JNI 示例

下次在问另一个问题之前尝试找到一些相关的答案,例如java-lang-unsatisfiedlinkerror 。

于 2012-04-20T08:49:02.553 回答