在 Unix shell 脚本中,可以从内部脚本本身重定向标准错误和标准输出,如下所示:
# script_name: test.sh
export AUTO_LOGFILE=`basename $0 .sh`.log
# stdout and stderr Redirection. This will save the old stdout on FD 3, and the old stderr on FD 4.
exec 3>&0 4>&1 >>$AUTO_LOGFILE 2>&1
echo "Hello World"
# The above echo will be printed to test.log
实际上,test.sh 可以简单地执行为:
test.sh >> test.log 2>&1
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
REM script_name=test.bat
set AUTO_LOGFILE=%~n0.log
REM How to do the stdout and stderr redirection from within the script itself here?
如何从批处理脚本本身重定向标准错误和标准输出?我更感兴趣的是将此 unix shell 脚本语句转换为等效的批处理代码:
exec 3>&0 4>&1 >>$AUTO_LOGFILE 2>&1