我确实将Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting设置为YES,但我将 Objective-C Garbage Collection设置为Unsupported

所以我看不出如何设置 -fobjc-gc 。是否还有其他一些我没有注意到的设置?我已经尝试了一个干净的构建,所以它不会留下任何东西。


1 回答 1


I found the answer, indirectly, thanks to this question. It turns out, that to get rid of garbage collection, I need to BOTH turn off garbage collection in the compiler settings when I click on Build Settings under the Project, and under the Target. If they disagree, the target (which is the one I didn't notice) overrides. No amount of playing with the settings at the project level was fixing that.

于 2012-04-20T16:37:02.190 回答