
  //start ajax request here//
   $.post('purchaseitem.php',{itemAmount:itemAmount, itemId:itemId}, function(data){
  //end it here

我回显了 items 表中的所有项目,以及一个 ahref 链接和一个输入字段,以允许用户输入数量并单击购买。

    $shop_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sector0_item WHERE item_location = '$chapter'");
    while(($shop_row = mysql_fetch_array($shop_query))){
        $itemid = $shop_row['item_id'];
        $item_name = $shop_row['item_name'];
        $item_price = $shop_row['item_price'];
        <div class = "item_name"><?php echo $item_name; ?></div> 
        <div class = "item_price"><?php echo $item_price; ?></div> 
        <input type = 'text' class = "purchaseAmount_<?php echo $itemid;?>" name = "purchaseAmount" />
        <a id = "purchaseButton_<?php echo $itemid; ?>" href = "prevent default();" class = "purchase_button" onclick = "buy(); return false;">Buy</a>
        <div class = 'savestatus_<?php echo $itemid; ?>'></div>
        <hr /><br />

这是我的代码的测试版本,所以我知道它搞砸了...... php部分:

$user_inventory_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sector0_inventory WHERE id = '$dbid' AND item_id = '$item_id'");
                        $checking_item_inventory = mysql_num_rows($user_inventory_query);
                        if($checking_item_inventory === 0){
                            /*^*/  $insertion_into_inventory = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `sector0_inventory`(`id`, `item_id`, `username`, `item_name`, `quantity`) VALUES ('$dbid','$item_id','$dbuser','$item_name','$purchase_amount')");
                                if($insertion_into_inventory === true){
                                mysql_query("UPDATE sector0_players SET cash = cash-'$total_cost' WHERE id = '$dbid'");
                                echo "Purchase complete";
                        }else if ($checking_item_inventory === 1){
                            $update_inventory_quantities = mysql_query("UPDATE sector0_inventory SET quantity = quantity+'$purchase_amount' WHERE id = '$dbid' AND item_id = '$item_id'");
                            if($update_inventory_quantities===true) {
                                mysql_query("UPDATE sector0_players SET cash = cash-'$total_cost' WHERE id = '$dbid'");
                                echo "Purchase complete, quantity updated.";

以上是查询。/ ^ / 部分是失败的部分。当我截断表格,点击购买时,插入完全成功。但对于任何其他项目,插入失败。这是一个php,我猜,我真的很困惑。插入和更新查询的相对表

CREATE TABLE `sector0_inventory` (
 `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The input in this field will be php code exclusive. No increment allowed.',
 `item_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The input is also code exclusive',
 `username` varchar(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'This value will be used to search for the user inventory information. Admin privileges only',
 `item_name` varchar(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'This value will be used to identify (user side) the item. It will be used by admins to query out when a removal of a specific item is needed',
 `quantity` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'This value will be 0 by default BIG int is to allow calculations',

1 回答 1


显示输出CREATE TABLE sector0_item以获得更多帮助,但我的猜测是您在该表上的主键是id并且您正尝试在 INSERT 语句中手动指定它:

INSERT INTO `sector0_inventory`(`id`, `item_id`, `username`, `item_name`, `quantity`) VALUES ('$dbid','$item_id','$dbuser','$item_name','$purchase_amount')


INSERT INTO `sector0_inventory`(`item_id`, `username`, `item_name`, `quantity`) VALUES ('$item_id','$dbuser','$item_name','$purchase_amount')


编辑:发布表结构后,您的问题是数据库表设计。现在主键是id这意味着每个 PHP 会话 ID 只能有一行。我不知道你的申请,但这似乎是错误的。

如果您可以删除表并从头开始,则 DROP 表并使用以下方法重新创建它:

CREATE TABLE `sector0_inventory` (
 `transaction_key` INT NOT NULL AUTO INCREMENT COMMENT 'The unique ID for each row',
 `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The input in this field will be php code exclusive.     No increment allowed.',
 `item_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The input is also code exclusive',
 `username` varchar(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'This value will be used to search for the     user inventory information. Admin privileges only',
 `item_name` varchar(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'This value will be used to identify (user     side) the item. It will be used by admins to query out when a removal of a         specific item is needed',
 `quantity` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'This value will be 0 by default BIG int is to     allow calculations',
 PRIMARY KEY (`transaction_key`)

然后将您的 PHP 恢复到原来的样子。


于 2012-04-19T23:30:42.053 回答