Here is what I have. I am trying to use Developer Express ASPxPageControl. I want to only load the first TabPage (and WebUserControl it contains) when the page is loaded and then when I click on subsequent tabs, load those WebUserControls. I have found documentation here and other places telling me to
set the ASPxPageControl.AutoPostBack property to false, and ASPxPageControl.EnableCallBacks set to true
However, this is not working for me. I have verified with the debugger that when the main page is loaded, each of my WebUserControls are also loading. Am I misunderstanding the idea of the ASPxPageControl??
<dxtc:ASPxPageControl ID="ASPxPageControl1" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0"
AutoPostBack="false" >
<dxtc:TabPage Text="Detail" Name="tabDetail">
<dxw:ContentControl ID="ContentControl3" runat="server">
<uc13:WUCDetail ID="WUCDetail" runat="server" />
<dxtc:TabPage Text="Room" Name="tabRoom">
<dxw:ContentControl ID="ContentControl4" runat="server">
<uc11:WUCRoom ID="WUCRoom" runat="server" />
<dxtc:TabPage Text="Mailers" Name="tabMailers">
<dxw:ContentControl ID="ContentControl5" runat="server">
<uc10:WUCMailers ID="WUCMailers" runat="server" />