我正在尝试通过在傅里叶空间中创建一个网格然后对其进行逆傅里叶变换来获得随机场来创建一个高斯随机场。为此,需要对傅里叶逆变换图像进行实值赋值。我似乎在 10^-18 - -22 阶的网格的虚部得到残差,所以我预计这是 FFT 中的数值误差。图像的真实部分在像素尺度上显示了一个奇怪的棋盘图案,其中像素从正跳到负。为了查看 FFT 功能是否正确,我尝试转换一个高斯,它应该返回另一个高斯,并且棋盘图案再次出现在图像中。取图像的绝对值时,它看起来不错,但我还需要它来允许我的高斯随机场的负值。


#! /usr/bin/env python

import numpy as n
import math as m
import pyfits

def fourierplane(a):
  deltakx = 2*a.kxmax/a.dimkx #stepsize in k_x
  deltaky = 2*a.kymax/a.dimky #stepsize in k_y

  plane = n.zeros([a.dimkx,a.dimky]) #empty matrix to be filled in for the Fourier grid

  for y in range(n.shape(plane)[0]):
    for x in range(n.shape(plane)[1]):
      #Defining coordinates centred at x = N/2, y = N/2
      i1 = x - a.dimkx/2 
      j1 = y - a.dimky/2

      #creating values to fill in in the grid:    
      kx = deltakx*i1  #determining value of k_x at gridpoint
      ky = deltaky*j1  #determining value of k_y at gridpoint
      k = m.sqrt(kx**2 + ky**2) #magnitude of k-vector

      plane[y][x] = m.e**(-(k**2)/(2*a.sigma_k**2)) #gaussian
  return plane

def substruct():

  class fougrid:

  grid = fougrid()

  grid.kxmax = 2.00 #maximum value k_x
  grid.kymax = 2.00 #maximum value k_y

  grid.sigma_k = (1./20.)*grid.kxmax #width of gaussian

  grid.dimkx = 1024
  grid.dimky= 1024

  fplane = fourierplane(grid) #creating the Fourier grid

  implane = n.fft.ifftshift(n.fft.ifft2(fplane)) #inverse Fourier transformation of the grid to get final image

  #seperating real and imaginary part of the Fourier transformed grid

  realimplane = implane.real
  imagimplane = implane.imag

  #taking the absolute value:
  absimplane = n.zeros(n.shape(implane))
  for a in range(n.shape(implane)[0]):
    for b in range(n.shape(implane)[1]):
      absimplane[a][b] = m.sqrt(implane[a][b].real**2 + implane[a][b].imag**2)

  #saving images to files:
  pyfits.writeto('randomfield.fits',realimplane) #real part of the image grid
  pyfits.writeto('fplane.fits',fplane) #grid in fourier space
  pyfits.writeto('imranfield.fits',imagimplane) #imaginary part of the image grid
  pyfits.writeto('absranfield.fits',absimplane) #real part of the image grid

substruct() #running the script



1 回答 1


每当您在一个 DFT 域中看到意外的交替符号时,这可能意味着另一个 DFT 域中的数据在阵列中旋转了一半(类似于 fftshift)。如果您在一个域中有一个实数值的对称“驼峰”,那么以数组元素 0(而不是数组元素 n/2)为中心的那个驼峰将是最有可能不会在变换域中产生交替符号的排列。

于 2012-04-19T17:19:17.577 回答