我是 Joomla 和 Virtuemart 的新手,但我进展顺利。一个问题认为,我的产品详细信息页面被视为主页。换句话说,我只想为主页使用不同的模板,但它也适用于产品详细信息页面。我错过了什么吗?


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You can use different templates for different sections in your website. To do that you have to choose a default template and assign a different one to a menu item.

Go to Site --> Template Manager. You will see here a list with your templates.

You can make the Template1 default for example. To do that click the radio button on the left of the Template1. On the top click "Default". This template will be the default template. When a user will enter your site will see the Template1.

Now you can assign the Template2 to your homepage. Click the radio button on the left of the Template2. From the top click "Assign". You will see a list of your menu items. Select your homepage menu item from the list. Click "Save". Now your "Home" will show the Template1.

You can use this method with many templates.

In your example, the default template will be the one you cant to use for product details and you should assign another on to the homepage.

于 2012-04-19T12:14:33.533 回答