首先,它从 SQL 服务器更新 ODBC 数据表,然后更新其中一个数据表以包含公式以及对另一个 Excel 电子表格的引用。
但是,它会在完成刷新源表中的数据之前更新数据透视表,从而导致源表之间的数据不一致(即使数据透视表正在重建,也会刷新)。有没有办法让 VBA 在继续之前等待外部链接的完全刷新?
Sub Update_All()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
' force a calculation of the table due to insert of formula and lookup in the campaign plan
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With
'update pivot after calculation is done
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub ODBC_Tables_Update()
With ActiveWorkbook
.Connections("Pallet Requirement").Refresh
.Connections("Pallets on Stock").Refresh
End With
End Sub
Private Sub OverviewUpdatePivot()
With Sheets("Overview").PivotTables("pvt_PalletOverview")
.PivotFields("Start Date").AutoSort xlAscending, "Start Date"
.PivotFields("PALLETITEM").AutoSort xlAscending, "PALLETITEM"
.PivotFields("Start Date").ShowDetail = False
End With
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateReqTable()
' general variables
Dim cpPath$ 'Campaign Plan Path
Dim cpName$ 'Campaign Plan File Name
Dim cpL93$ 'Sheet 93 name
Dim cpL94$ 'Sheet 94 name
Dim cpL96$ 'Sheet 96 name
Dim ListNoCol$ 'Column Letter of List Numbers
Dim StartDateCol$ 'Column Letter of "Start Date"
Dim tblMatchPart$ 'JOBLIST field of table
' below index building part strings defined
Dim cpL93ListNoRange$
Dim cpL94ListNoRange$
Dim cpL96ListNoRange$
Dim cpL93DateRange$
Dim cpL94DateRange$
Dim cpL96DateRange$
Dim L93MatchFormulaPart$
Dim L93IndexFormula$
Dim L94MatchFormulaPart$
Dim L94IndexFormula$
Dim L96MatchFormulaPart$
Dim L96IndexFormula$
' Fill in values from the sheet into variables
cpPath = Range("cpPath")
cpName = Range("cpName")
cpL93 = Range("cpSheetL93")
cpL94 = Range("cpSheetL94")
cpL96 = Range("cpSheetL96")
ListNoCol = "$" & Range("cpListNoCol") & "1" & ":" & "$" & Range("cpListNoCol") & "64000"
StartDateCol = "$" & Range("cpStartDateCol") & "1" & ":" & "$" & Range("cpStartDateCol") & "64000"
tblMatchPart = "tbl_PalletReq[@JOBLIST]"
' Build the range expressions used in the MATCH and INDEX formula
cpL93ListNoRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL93 & "'!" & ListNoCol
cpL93DateRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL93 & "'!" & StartDateCol
cpL94ListNoRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL94 & "'!" & ListNoCol
cpL94DateRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL94 & "'!" & StartDateCol
cpL96ListNoRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL96 & "'!" & ListNoCol
cpL96DateRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL96 & "'!" & StartDateCol
' Build the INDEX formulas required
L93MatchFormulaPart = "MATCH(" & tblMatchPart & "," & cpL93ListNoRange & ",0)"
L93IndexFormula$ = "INDEX(" & cpL93DateRange & "," & L93MatchFormulaPart & ",0)"
L94MatchFormulaPart = "MATCH(" & tblMatchPart & "," & cpL94ListNoRange & ",0)"
L94IndexFormula$ = "INDEX(" & cpL94DateRange & "," & L94MatchFormulaPart & ",0)"
L96MatchFormulaPart = "MATCH(" & tblMatchPart & "," & cpL96ListNoRange & ",0)"
L96IndexFormula$ = "INDEX(" & cpL96DateRange & "," & L96MatchFormulaPart & ",0)"
'Insert Formulas into table tbl_PalletReq and format the formulas
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[L93 Date]")
.Formula = "=" & L93IndexFormula
.NumberFormat = "ddd-dd-mm-yyyy"
End With
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[L94 Date]")
.Formula = "=" & L94IndexFormula
.NumberFormat = "ddd-dd-mm-yyyy"
End With
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[L96 Date]")
.Formula = "=" & L96IndexFormula
.NumberFormat = "ddd-dd-mm-yyyy"
End With
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[Start Datetime]")
.Formula = "=IFERROR([@[L93 Date]],IFERROR([@[L94 Date]],IFERROR([@[L96 Date]],"""")))"
.NumberFormat = "ddd-dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm"
End With
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[Start Date]")
.Formula = "=DATE(YEAR([@[Start Datetime]]),MONTH([@[Start Datetime]]),DAY([@[Start Datetime]]))"
.NumberFormat = "ddd-dd-mm-yyyy"
End With
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[Est. Pallets]")
.Formula = "=ROUNDUP(-[PROD.TONS]*1000/VLOOKUP([@PALLETITEM],tbl_PalletData,2,FALSE),0)"
.NumberFormat = "#,##0"
End With
End Sub