
首先,它从 SQL 服务器更新 ODBC 数据表,然后更新其中一个数据表以包含公式以及对另一个 Excel 电子表格的引用。


但是,它会在完成刷新源表中的数据之前更新数据透视表,从而导致源表之间的数据不一致(即使数据透视表正在重建,也会刷新)。有没有办法让 VBA 在继续之前等待外部链接的完全刷新?


Sub Update_All()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
' force a calculation of the table due to insert of formula and lookup in the campaign plan
With Application
    .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With
'update pivot after calculation is done

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Private Sub ODBC_Tables_Update()

With ActiveWorkbook
    .Connections("Pallet Requirement").Refresh
    .Connections("Pallets on Stock").Refresh
End With

End Sub

Private Sub OverviewUpdatePivot()

With Sheets("Overview").PivotTables("pvt_PalletOverview")
    .PivotFields("Start Date").AutoSort xlAscending, "Start Date"
    .PivotFields("PALLETITEM").AutoSort xlAscending, "PALLETITEM"
    .PivotFields("Start Date").ShowDetail = False
End With

End Sub

Private Sub UpdateReqTable()

' general variables
Dim cpPath$ 'Campaign Plan Path
Dim cpName$ 'Campaign Plan File Name
Dim cpL93$ 'Sheet 93 name
Dim cpL94$ 'Sheet 94 name
Dim cpL96$ 'Sheet 96 name
Dim ListNoCol$ 'Column Letter of List Numbers
Dim StartDateCol$ 'Column Letter of "Start Date"
Dim tblMatchPart$ 'JOBLIST field of table

' below index building part strings defined
Dim cpL93ListNoRange$
Dim cpL94ListNoRange$
Dim cpL96ListNoRange$
Dim cpL93DateRange$
Dim cpL94DateRange$
Dim cpL96DateRange$
Dim L93MatchFormulaPart$
Dim L93IndexFormula$
Dim L94MatchFormulaPart$
Dim L94IndexFormula$
Dim L96MatchFormulaPart$
Dim L96IndexFormula$

' Fill in values from the sheet into variables
cpPath = Range("cpPath")
cpName = Range("cpName")
cpL93 = Range("cpSheetL93")
cpL94 = Range("cpSheetL94")
cpL96 = Range("cpSheetL96")
ListNoCol = "$" & Range("cpListNoCol") & "1" & ":" & "$" & Range("cpListNoCol") & "64000"
StartDateCol = "$" & Range("cpStartDateCol") & "1" & ":" & "$" & Range("cpStartDateCol") & "64000"
tblMatchPart = "tbl_PalletReq[@JOBLIST]"

' Build the range expressions used in the MATCH and INDEX formula
cpL93ListNoRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL93 & "'!" & ListNoCol
cpL93DateRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL93 & "'!" & StartDateCol
cpL94ListNoRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL94 & "'!" & ListNoCol
cpL94DateRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL94 & "'!" & StartDateCol
cpL96ListNoRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL96 & "'!" & ListNoCol
cpL96DateRange = "'" & cpPath & "[" & cpName & "]" & cpL96 & "'!" & StartDateCol

' Build the INDEX formulas required
L93MatchFormulaPart = "MATCH(" & tblMatchPart & "," & cpL93ListNoRange & ",0)"
L93IndexFormula$ = "INDEX(" & cpL93DateRange & "," & L93MatchFormulaPart & ",0)"
L94MatchFormulaPart = "MATCH(" & tblMatchPart & "," & cpL94ListNoRange & ",0)"
L94IndexFormula$ = "INDEX(" & cpL94DateRange & "," & L94MatchFormulaPart & ",0)"
L96MatchFormulaPart = "MATCH(" & tblMatchPart & "," & cpL96ListNoRange & ",0)"
L96IndexFormula$ = "INDEX(" & cpL96DateRange & "," & L96MatchFormulaPart & ",0)"

'Insert Formulas into table tbl_PalletReq and format the formulas
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[L93 Date]")
    .Formula = "=" & L93IndexFormula
    .NumberFormat = "ddd-dd-mm-yyyy"
End With
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[L94 Date]")
    .Formula = "=" & L94IndexFormula
    .NumberFormat = "ddd-dd-mm-yyyy"
End With
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[L96 Date]")
    .Formula = "=" & L96IndexFormula
    .NumberFormat = "ddd-dd-mm-yyyy"
End With
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[Start Datetime]")
    .Formula = "=IFERROR([@[L93 Date]],IFERROR([@[L94 Date]],IFERROR([@[L96 Date]],"""")))"
    .NumberFormat = "ddd-dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm"
End With
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[Start Date]")
    .Formula = "=DATE(YEAR([@[Start Datetime]]),MONTH([@[Start Datetime]]),DAY([@[Start Datetime]]))"
    .NumberFormat = "ddd-dd-mm-yyyy"
End With
With Range("tbl_PalletReq[Est. Pallets]")
    .Formula = "=ROUNDUP(-[PROD.TONS]*1000/VLOOKUP([@PALLETITEM],tbl_PalletData,2,FALSE),0)"
    .NumberFormat = "#,##0"
End With

End Sub

2 回答 2


You need to check your connections properties and disable the "Enable Background Refresh" option.

Or set the backgroundquery property to false in your code.

This should force excel to wait for the query to finish before continuing.

于 2012-04-19T02:11:21.627 回答

我有这个问题;Readify 的回答很到位。这是我的代码。

    With Selection.ListObject.QueryTable
        .BackgroundQuery = False
    End With
于 2014-07-25T15:40:52.423 回答