伙计们。所以这是我第一次使用贝宝,我用它作为我网站会员的付款方式。基本上在我的 php 中,我测试他们提交的表单是否有效,并且只有当它是有效的时才会将您重定向到 paypal 链接。问题是链接过期了一定的时间。我通过使用他们的股票立即支付按钮然后复制网址获得了此链接,但就像我之前所说的那样,该网址最终会超时。我在用:

if (($desiredusername == "") && ($desiredpassword == "")) { 
    echo ""; 
} elseif (($desiredpassword == $retypepassword) && (mysql_num_rows($results2) != 1) &&
         ($usernamelength <= 15) && ($usernamelength >= 5) && ($passwordlength <= 15) && 
         ($passwordlength >= 5) && ($usernamecontainsspaces == 0) && ($passwordcontainsspaces == 0)) { 
    echo '<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=pdbo_yKTkZJZ2i2R9PE7JwUytkmMuDavwDhpNouhJbMSBoUrb4w_ogm95_y&dispatch=50a222a57771920b6a3d7b606239e4d529b525e0b7e69bf0224adecfb0124e9b61f737ba21b081989d37bd8af37ad9708d2162cdad4a70df">'; 
} else {  
    echo ""; 

1 回答 1


I would have begun by reading the integration guide that PayPal provides:


Chapter one is actually titled: "Single-Item Payments – Buy Now Buttons"

According to this chapter, you can log in to your account and click "Create PayPal payment button" and it spits out the code for you.

于 2012-04-19T12:26:20.447 回答