class car extends fourwheeler implements ipaygas{
protected $tank1;
public function payGas($amount){}
class sportscar extends fourwheeler implements ipaygas{
protected $tank1;
protected $tank2;
public function payGas($amount){}
interface ipaygas{
function payGas($amount);
例如,如果 - 在支付汽油之前,您需要 (1) 检查车型,(2) 为跑车使用优质汽油,以及 (3) 为跑车的第二个油箱加满油。
function pumpAndPay(iPayGas $car){
if(gettype($car) == "car"){
fillTank($car,(car) $car->tank1);
fillTank($car,(sportscar) $car->tank1);
fillTank($car,(sportscar) $car->tank2);
abstract class AVechicle{}
abstract class ACar extends AVechicle{}
abstract class ATruckOrSUV extends AVechicle{}
abstract class ABike extends AVechicle{}
class Car extends ACar{}
class SportsCar extends ACar{}
class SUV extends ATruckOrSUV{}
class Truck extends ATruckOrSUV{}
class Bike extends ABike{}
class Scooter extends ABike{}
class GasStation{
public function cleanVehicle(AVehicle $car){
//assume we need to check the car type to know
//what type of cleaner to use and how to clean the car
//if the car has leather or bucket seats
//imagine we have to add an extra $2/h for sports cars
//imagine a truck needs special treatment tires
//or needs inspection
public function pumpAndPay(AVehicle $car){
//need to know vehicle type to get gas type
//maybe we have a special for scooters only, Green Air campaign etc.
public function fullService(AVehicle $car){
//need to know if its a truck to do inspection FIRST
//bikes get 10% off
//cars get free carwash