如何在 android 1.6 或 2 中创建这样的列表视图(因为 renderscript,它仅适用于 3 或更高版本,但我需要 list 才能在几乎所有 android 上工作):



1 回答 1


Camera.setTranslate(x, 0, z)在 drawChild 中使用过,其中更改了旋转虚拟化的 x 位置和重叠的 z 位置。然后有重叠的问题,因为最后一个项目在顶部,第一个在底层。因此,在onCreate()调用this.setChildrenDrawingOrderEnabled(true)和覆盖的方法protected int getChildDrawingOrder (int childCount, int i) {}中,我可以更改中间行和后面行的顺序。这个想法是由 Renard 提出的,他在我的其他帖子中向我提出了关于这里几乎相同的事情的建议。

我的 getChildDrawingOrder(int, int) 实现需要重叠:

protected int getChildDrawingOrder (int childCount, int i) {
    int centerChild = 0;
    //find center row
    if ((childCount % 2) == 0) { //even childCount number
        centerChild = childCount / 2; // if childCount 8 (actualy 0 - 7), then 4 and 4-1 = 3 is in centre.      
        int otherCenterChild = centerChild - 1;
        //Which more in center?
        View child = this.getChildAt(centerChild);
        final int top = child.getTop();
        final int bottom = child.getBottom();
        //if this row goes through center then this
        final int absParentCenterY = getTop() + getHeight() / 2;
        //Log.i("even", i + " from " + (childCount - 1) + ", while centerChild = " + centerChild);
        if ((top < absParentCenterY) && (bottom > absParentCenterY)) {
            //this child is in center line, so it is last
            //centerChild is in center, no need to change
        } else {
            centerChild = otherCenterChild;
    else {//not even - done
        centerChild = childCount / 2;
        //Log.i("not even", i + " from " + (childCount - 1) + ", while centerChild = " + centerChild);

    int rez = i;
    //find drawIndex by centerChild
    if (i > centerChild) {
        //below center
        rez = (childCount - 1) - i + centerChild;
    } else if (i == centerChild) {
        //center row
        //draw it last
        rez = childCount - 1;
    } else {
        //above center - draw as always
        // i < centerChild
        rez = i;
    //Log.i("return", "" + rez);
    return rez;



屏幕截图实际上与我在问题中提到的几乎相同。我使用了 alpha,所以叠加的项目有点透明:


于 2012-04-23T10:15:33.897 回答