您在 SO 聊天中提到您对框架没有任何经验,所以这里有一个没有框架的建议。
我知道我可能会为此大发雷霆,但是知道这是一个组织结构问题,您可以窃取 MVC 的一些概念并使用它们,直到您可以将其移植到更合适的结构以至少使其更清洁和更容易管理。
免责声明:这绝不是一个好的结构,但对于您的问题,考虑到您告诉我您对 OOP 和/或模式没有任何背景,但作为临时解决方案,它“足够好”。
class BasketballPage
protected $mapper;
public construct ( $mapper )
$this->mapper = $mapper;
public function display_player_info( $playerid, $sportid )
$basketball_player = $this->mapper->get_sports_player( $playerid, $sportid )
echo '<p>Basketball player name ' . $basketball_player['name'];
echo '<p>Some other HTML, etc</p>';
public function display_match_data($matchid, $sportid)
//Same as above but would call to $this_mapper->get_match_data(); And display relevant HTML.
public function display_player_info_AJAX( $playerid, $sportid )
$player = $this->mapper->get_sports_player();
header('Content-type: text/json');
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode( $player );
class BoxingPage
protected $mapper;
public function display_player_info( $playerid, $sportid)
$boxing_person = $this->mapper->get_sports_player( $playerid, $sportid)
echo '<p>Person\'s boxing name ' . $boxing_person['name'];
echo '<p>Some other HTML, etc</p>';
class Mapper
protected $connection;
public function __construct ( $connection )
$this->connection = $connection;
public function get_sports_player($id, $sportid)
$query = $this->connection->prepare( 'SELECT * FROM players WHERE id = :player_id AND sport_id' );
$query->bindValue(':player_id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->bindValue(':sport_id', $sport_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
return $query->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
public function get_match_data($matchid, $sportid)
//some query here that returns match data.
每个类都有一个 php 页面,因为它们会变大。IE:
然后将这些文件包含到您的 index.php 中。你的索引可能看起来像这样:
//Instantiate the classes first.
$connection = new PDO($dsn,$username,$password); //your database credentials
$mapper = new Mapper( $connection );
$basketballpage = new BasketballPage( $mapper );
$boxingpage = new BoxingPage( $mapper );
if( $_GET['page'] == 2]) //lets say basketball is id 2 in your database
$basketballpage->display_player_info( $_GET['playerid'], $_GET['sportid'] );
//In this same page you'd also add this other line, but lets say they visit the bottom link instead: index.php?playerid=1&sportid=3
if( $_GET['page'] == 3]) //lets say boxing is 3 in your database
$boxing->display_player_info( $_GET['playerid'], $_GET['sportid'] );
//THEN lets say someone visits a different link like: index.php?index.php?matchid=1&sportid=2&page=2
if( $_GET['page'] == 2] && $_GET['matchid'])
$boxingpage->display_match_data( $_GET['playerid'] );
//On the above you can use that same category, but a different function will display a different page!
//Bonus example, you can use it for AJAX easily. Lets say they visit the url index.php?playerid=1&sportid=2&AJAX=1
if( $_GET['page'] == 2 && GET['AJAX'] == 1)
$basketballpage->display_player_info_AJAX( $_GET['playerid'], $_GET['sportid'] );
它看起来很复杂,但是一旦你看到它是如何连接的,请注意你的索引页面只有大约 30-40 行!它可以使事情变得非常整洁,您可以只专注于在 index.php 上路由您的请求,而其他文件负责其余的工作。