我有一大堆被我的艺术家错误命名的图像。我希望通过使用 Automator 来避免给他更多的工作,但我是新手。现在它们的命名顺序是 what001a 和 what002a,但应该是 what001a 和 what001b。所以基本上奇数编号是A,偶数编号是B。所以我需要一个脚本,将偶数编号更改为B图像并将它们全部重新编号为正确的顺序编号。我将如何编写该脚本?



2 回答 2


嵌入在 AppleScript 中的小型 Rub​​y 脚本提供了一个非常舒适的解决方案,允许您在 Finder 中选择要重命名的文件并显示信息性成功或错误消息。


number = first 3 digits in filename                # e.g. "006"
letter = the letter following those digits         # e.g. "a"
if number is even, change letter to its successor  # e.g. "b"
number = (number + 1)/2                            # 5 or 6 => 3
replace number and letter in filename



-- ask for files
set filesToRename to choose file with prompt "Select the files to rename" with multiple selections allowed

-- prepare ruby command
set ruby_script to "ruby -e \"s=ARGV[0]; m=s.match(/(\\d{3})(\\w)/); n=m[1].to_i; a=m[2]; a.succ! if n.even?; r=sprintf('%03d',(n+1)/2)+a; puts s.sub(/\\d{3}\\w/,r);\" "

tell application "Finder"

    -- process files, record errors
    set counter to 0
    set errors to {}
    repeat with f in filesToRename
            do shell script ruby_script & (f's name as text)
            set f's name to result
            set counter to counter + 1
        on error
            copy (f's name as text) to the end of errors
        end try
    end repeat

    -- display report
    set msg to (counter as text) & " files renamed successfully!\n"
    if errors is not {} then
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\n"
        set msg to msg & "The following files could NOT be renamed:\n" & (errors as text)
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    end if
    display dialog msg
end tell


于 2012-04-18T19:03:37.920 回答

我的一个朋友写了一个 Python 脚本来做我需要的事情。想我会把它贴在这里作为任何偶然发现类似问题寻求帮助的人的答案。虽然它在 Python 中,所以如果有人想将它转换为 AppleScript 以供可能需要它的人使用。

import os
import re
import shutil

def toInt(str):
    return int(str)
    return 0

filePath = "./"
extension = "png"

dirList = os.listdir(filePath)

regx = re.compile("[0-9]+a")

for filename in dirList:
  ext = filename[-len(extension):]
  if(ext != extension): continue
  rslts = regx.search(filename)
  if(rslts == None): continue
  pieces = regx.split(filename)
  if(len(pieces) < 2): pieces.append("")
  filenumber = toInt(rslts.group(0).rstrip("a"))
  newFileNum = (filenumber + 1) / 2
  fileChar = "b"
  if(filenumber % 2): fileChar = "a"
  newFileName = "%s%03d%s%s" % (pieces[0], newFileNum, fileChar, pieces[1])
  shutil.move("%s%s" % (filePath, filename), "%s%s" % (filePath, newFileName))
于 2012-04-18T20:28:12.683 回答