I'm really out of ideas with PHP SOAP client. Main reason for this is probably that I don't fully understand how SOAP and more so how PHP Soap-client works.

I need to get nested elements (I hope that's the right term) from Soap client.

Here is the example I try to create

   <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/" xmlns:hor="http://Horizon.ExternalServices" xmlns:hor1="http://Horizon.ExternalServices.AFS">

My first attempt was just to put entire structure as assosiated array (that has always worked before), but with these nested thingis it seems to be a no go.

Then I tried several different methods to create the following structure with SoapVar and SoapParam but because I really don't seem to understand how they work most of the time I'm getting just the request without anything inside the body.

I've read the documention on PHP, wikipedia and w3schools. I just don't seem to get a grasp on the concept.

I'd really appriciate if some one could give me link or anything that explains how the Soap-client actually works. Also code examples would be much appriciated.


1 回答 1


即使我遇到了同样的问题,然后开始使用 nusoap 类,因为它更容易以关联数组格式传递数据,并且该类基于它构建 xml。你可以从这里下载

于 2012-04-18T12:16:13.380 回答