这是 DateTime 错误还是我错过了什么?
sub get_diff_same_day {
# return only the time difference between 2 dates
my ($dnow, $dt) = @_;
my $dtx = $dt->clone();
$dtx->set_year( $dnow->year );
$dtx->set_month( $dnow->month );
$dtx->set_day( $dnow->day );
say $dnow;
say $dtx;
return $dtx->subtract_datetime_absolute($dnow);
0 DateTime::Duration=HASH(0x1e10a34)
'days' => 0
'end_of_month' => 'wrap'
'minutes' => 0
'months' => 0
'nanoseconds' => 0
'seconds' => 3577 # <= huh?
但是,如果我使用,而不是 subtract_datetime_absolute
$dtx - $dnow
0 DateTime::Duration=HASH(0x1bada04)
'days' => 0
'end_of_month' => 'wrap'
'minutes' => 0
'months' => 0
'nanoseconds' => 0
'seconds' => 1
在我看来,subtract_datetime_absolute 没有考虑 DateTime::set_xxxx 函数。
use Modern::Perl;
use autodie;
use DateTime;
use constant OFFSET => 0;
## main
sub test {
my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'local' )->add( hours => OFFSET );
my $ddt = get_rand_date();
my $secs = get_secs_same_day_broken ($now, $ddt);
my $secs2 = get_secs_same_day($now, $ddt);
if ( $secs != $secs2 ) {
say "expecting same result ( $secs, $secs2 )";
sub get_secs_same_day_broken {
# return the seconds time difference between 2 dates
my ($dnow, $dt) = @_;
my $dtx = $dt->clone();
$dtx->set_year( $dnow->year );
$dtx->set_month( $dnow->month );
$dtx->set_day( $dnow->day );
say "A: $dnow vs $dtx";
return $dtx->subtract_datetime_absolute($dnow)->seconds;
sub get_secs_same_day {
# return the seconds time difference between 2 dates
my ($dnow, $dt) = @_;
my $dtx = $dt->clone();
$dtx->set_year( $dnow->year );
$dtx->set_month( $dnow->month );
$dtx->set_day( $dnow->day );
say "B: $dnow vs $dtx";
return ($dtx - $dnow)->seconds;
sub get_rand_date {
my $d = int(rand(27)) + 1;
my $M = int(rand(11)) + 1;
my $h = int(rand(24));
my $m = int(rand(60));
my $s = int(rand(60));
my $dt = DateTime->new( day => $d, month => $M, year => 2012, hour => $h, minute => $m, second => $s );
$dt->add( hours => OFFSET );
return $dt;