如果您无法使用 cron 作业服务并且必须在 R 中进行调度,则以下 R 代码显示了如何等待特定时间量以便在预先指定的目标时间执行。
stop.date.time.1 <- as.POSIXct("2012-12-20 13:45:00 EST") # time of last afternoon execution.
stop.date.time.2 <- as.POSIXct("2012-12-20 7:45:00 EST") # time of last morning execution.
NOW <- Sys.time() # the current time
lapse.time <- 24 * 60 * 60 # A day's worth of time in Seconds
all.exec.times.1 <- seq(stop.date.time.1, NOW, -lapse.time) # all of afternoon execution times.
all.exec.times.2 <- seq(stop.date.time.2, NOW, -lapse.time) # all of morning execution times.
all.exec.times <- sort(c(all.exec.times.1, all.exec.times.2)) # combine all times and sort from recent to future
cat("To execute your code at the following times:\n"); print(all.exec.times)
for (i in seq(length(all.exec.times))) { # for each target time in the sequence
## How long do I have to wait for the next execution from Now.
wait.time <- difftime(Sys.time(), all.exec.times[i], units="secs") # calc difference in seconds.
cat("Waiting for", wait.time, "seconds before next execution\n")
if (wait.time > 0) {
Sys.sleep(wait.time) # Wait from Now until the target time arrives (for "wait.time" seconds)
## Put your execution code or function call here