我有一个名为 Model 的类,它处理绘制自身所需的所有信息。基本上它有2种方法:
1) 承包商 - 创建和初始化 VBO、VAO 和制服人员。2) Draw - 绑定VAO和Draw
我的问题是使用 glBufferData 初始化 VBO。我注意到应该上传到 GPU 内存的数据不是那个!我确实使用 gDebugger 进行了检查。还观察到,如果我尝试在外部和构造函数类之后再次发送数据,一切正常。我错过了什么???
我还在 linux/Windows/NVIDIA/RADEON 上进行了测试,并且发生了相同的行为。将#verson 400 用于着色器和 glew、glm 数学库。
/** This constructor has 5 steps:
* 1) Allocate variables
* 2) Create, bind and Send vbo inf.
* 3) Create, bind vao info
* 4) Create mapping between Buffer and Attributes in GPU memory
* 5) Get uniform variables location
* */
template<class V, class M>
Model<V, M>::Model( GLuint size, GLuint program ){
assert( size > 0 );
/** BEG - 1) Allocate variables */
/** beg - model variable initialization */
this->vertex = new vec4[ size ];
this->numVertex = size;
this->color = new vec4[ size ];
this->numColor = size;
//this->element => not initialized
//this->numElem => not initialized
this->modelMatrix = M(1); // Identity Matrix
this->position = V(0); // Orign
// VBO - Vertex Buffer Object information
this->vbo = new GLuint[ this->numBuff ];
this->vboSize = this->numBuff;
// VAO - Vexter Array Object information
this->vao = new GLuint[ 1 ];
this->numVao = 1;
this->attrib = new GLuint[ this->numBuff ];
this->numAttrib = this->numBuff;
this->uniform = new string[ this->numUni ];
this->uniformLoc = new GLuint[ this->numUni ];
this->numUniform = this->numUni;
this->program = program;
//beg - Inittialization
this->attrib[VERTEX] = 0;
this->attrib[COLOR] = 1;
this->uniform[0] = string("modelMatrix");
this->uniform[1] = string("position");
//end - Inittialization
/** END - 1) Allocate variables */
/** BEG - 2) Create, bind and Send vbo inf */
// Create vbo identifier
glGenBuffers( this->vboSize, this->vbo );
// Bind Buffer
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, (this->vbo)[0] );
// Send Data to buffer
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof( (this->vertex)[0][0] ) * (this->vertex)[0].length() * (this->numVertex),
&(this->vertex[0][0]), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// Bind Buffer
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, (this->vbo)[1] );
// Send Data to buffer
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof( (this->color)[0][0] ) * (this->color)[0].length() * (this->numColor),
&(this->color[0][0]), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
/** END - 2) Create, bind and Send vbo inf */
/** BEG - 3) Create, bind and enable vao info */
// Create vao identifier
glGenVertexArrays( 1, this->vao );
glBindVertexArray( (this->vao)[0] );
// Enable attributes
for ( uint i=0; i<numAttrib; i++ ){
glEnableVertexAttribArray( i );
/** END - 3) Create and enable vao info */
/** BEG - 4) Create mapping between Buffer and Attributes in GPU memory */
for ( uint i=0; i<numAttrib; i++ ){
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, (this->vbo)[i] );
glVertexAttribPointer( (this->attrib)[i], (this->vertex)[i].length(), GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, (GLubyte *)NULL);
/** END - 4) Create mapping between Buffer and Attributes in GPU memory */
/** BEG - 5) Get uniform variables location */
for ( uint i=0; i<numAttrib; i++ ){
this->uniformLoc[i] = glGetUniformLocation( program, this->uniform[i].c_str() );
/** END - 5) Get uniform variables location */
template<class V, class M>
void Model<V, M>::draw()
//glUniformMatrix4fv( this->uniformLoc[0], 1, GL_FALSE, &(this->modelMatrix[0][0]) );
//glUniform4fv( this->uniformLoc[1], 1, &(this->position[0]) );
glBindVertexArray( (this->vao)[0] );
glDrawArrays( GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, this->numVertex);
为了在构造函数之后将数据“重新发送”到 GPU,我使用了 sendData 成员函数:
template<class V, class M>
void Model<V, M>::sendData()
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, (this->vbo)[0] );
// Send Data to buffer
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof( (this->vertex)[0][0] ) * (this->vertex)[0].length() * (this->numVertex),
&(this->vertex[0][0]), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
编辑:我忘了添加 sendData 成员函数