对于我的项目,我需要使用 jQuery Rule Plugin
它看起来很棒,所以我可以将新的 css 规则附加到 dom。
但是我怎样才能创建一个新规则并将其附加到 dom 中?
These are the methods, the plugin adds to the different namespaces.
- sheet: returns the stylesheets from the matched styles and links.
- cssRules: return all the rules from all the given sheets.
- ownerNode: returns the nodes that belong to the given sheet (opposite to sheets).
- cssText: returns the text of the first matched style/link.
- constructor( $.rule ):
- 1st argument: nothing, a rule filter, rule literal, css rule or array of rules.
- 2nd argument: nothing, node filter for link/style, nodes link/style.
- sheets: returns the sheets that match the selector or all of them if none.
- clean: converts a rule literal, to array of rules.
- parent: returns the parent of a rule, neccesary for IE.
- outerText: return the selector with the rules of the given rule.
- text: gets/sets the cssText of the rule.
- append: will add one or more styles in the form of "attr:value; attr:value" to the matched rules.
- css : sets a value to all matched rules.
- outerText: return $.rule.outerText of the first rule.
- text: sets the cssText of the rules, or gets the cssText from the first one.
- appendTo: appends the matched rules to the specified stylesheet(1), can be a selector, dom element, sheet.
All these methods ( from jQuery.rule.fn ) are equal (or very similar) to those in jQuery.fn, but for CSS Rules.
add, andSelf, animate, appendTo, attr, css, dequeue,
each, end, eq, fadeIn, fadeOut, fadeTo, filter, get,
hide, index, is, map, not, pushStack, queue, remove,
setArray, show, size, slice, stop, toggle.
Some calls to show and hide behave unexpectedly sometimes. Some styles and animations might fail.
请帮我 。
注意:我相信如果你对 jQuery 有所了解,这可能很容易做到,但如果你是新手,这会很困难,我尝试谷歌获取有关此的一些信息,但找不到任何东西。我对这个问题很熟悉What you tried ?
,这里我不知道!请这是一个开始。谢谢 !