// in the global scope
var directions = [];
document.getElementById('submit').addEventListener('click', function () {
if (directions && directions.length > 0) {
for (var i=0; i<directions.length; i++)
directions = [];
calculateAndDisplayRoute(directionsService, markerArray, stepDisplay, map, true, "SUBWAY");
function calculateAndDisplayRoute(directionsService,markerArray, stepDisplay, map, is_transit, transit_mode) {
//var selectedMode = "TRANSIT";
// First, remove any existing markers from the map.
for (var i = 0; i < markerArray.length; i++) {
if (is_transit == true){
var request = {
origin: {lat: start_lat, lng: start_lon},
destination: {lat: end_lat, lng: end_lon},
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.TRANSIT,
transitOptions: {
modes: [google.maps.TransitMode[transit_mode]],
provideRouteAlternatives: true
var request = {
origin: {lat: start_lat, lng: start_lon},
destination: {lat: end_lat, lng: end_lon},
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode[transit_mode],
provideRouteAlternatives: true
// Retrieve the start and end locations and create a DirectionsRequest using
directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) {
// Route the directions and pass the response to a function to create
var polyline = new google.maps.Polyline({
strokeColor: '#6855C9',
strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeWeight: 7
if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
for (var i = 0, len = response.routes.length; i < len; i++) {
directions.push(new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({
map: map,
directions: response,
routeIndex: i ,
suppressMarkers: true
//showSteps(response, markerArray, stepDisplay, map);
} else {
window.alert('Directions request failed due to ' + status);