所以我一直在研究一个问题,基本前提是给定任意大小的网格,我需要计算“旅行”的数量。巡回赛是从左上角开始(我使用点 x=1,y=1 表示)并在左下角结束(x=1 y=max,无论 'y' 的最大值是多少)。除此之外,它还必须沿途每隔一个点接触一次,并且只能访问网格中的任何点一次。
按照我在下面写的方式,它运行时间约为 42-45 秒,但如果可能的话,我想让它在 30 秒或更短的时间内运行。所以,我问你的问题是,我可以改变或去掉什么来让它运行得更快?
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Date;
public class CodingPuzzle
public static List<Point> lAllPoints = new ArrayList<Point>();
public static int iMaxX;
public static int iMaxY;
public static int iCompletePaths = 0;
public static void depthFirstSearch(Point current, Stack<Point> result)
if (result.contains(current))
if (current.x == 1 && current.y == iMaxY && result.size() == iMaxX*iMaxY)
// This is a complete path
for (Point p: getPossibleMoves(current))
depthFirstSearch(p, result);
// No path was found
public static List<Point> getPossibleMoves (Point fromPoint)
int iCurrentPointIndex = lAllPoints.indexOf(fromPoint);
List<Point> lPossibleMoves = new ArrayList<Point>();
if (fromPoint.x == 1 && fromPoint.y == 1)
// Top left point
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + 1));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + iMaxY));
else if (fromPoint.x == 1 && fromPoint.y == iMaxY)
// Bottom left point. Should always be the last point. No valid moves.
// If a path gets here before the end it shouldn't need to continue.
else if (fromPoint.x == iMaxX && fromPoint.y == 1)
// Top right point
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - iMaxY));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + 1));
else if (fromPoint.x == iMaxX && fromPoint.y == iMaxY)
// Bottom right point
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - iMaxY));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - 1));
else if (fromPoint.x == 1 && fromPoint.y != iMaxY)
// Any other point on the left side
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - 1));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + 1));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + iMaxY));
else if (fromPoint.x == iMaxX)
// Any other point on the right side
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - 1));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + 1));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - iMaxY));
else if (fromPoint.y == 1)
// Any other point on the top
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + 1));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - iMaxY));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + iMaxY));
else if (fromPoint.y == iMaxY && fromPoint.x != 1)
// Any other point on the bottom
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - 1));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - iMaxY));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + iMaxY));
// Any other point not on an edge.
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + 1));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - 1));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex - iMaxY));
lPossibleMoves.add(lAllPoints.get(iCurrentPointIndex + iMaxY));
return lPossibleMoves;
public static void setUpGrid(int x, int y)
iMaxX = x;
iMaxY = y;
for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= y; j++)
lAllPoints.add(new Point(i, j));
public static void main(String[] args)
Date start = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
setUpGrid(10, 4);
Stack<Point> sCurrentPoints = new Stack<Point>();
depthFirstSearch(lAllPoints.get(0), sCurrentPoints);
Date end = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
long total = end.getTime() - start.getTime();
System.out.println(iCompletePaths + " paths found in " + total/1000 + " seconds.");