我的过滤系统有问题,我想过滤通知。过滤应该使用每个帖子具有的状态 ID,例如错误报告具有状态 ID nro。6.

这是我使用的 jQuery 脚本:

$(document).ready(function() {
        var statusValue = $('#status_option option:selected').val();
        if(statusValue == "1"){
                $sql_status1="SELECT * FROM notice, user, status WHERE notice.userID = user.userID AND notice.statusID = status.statusID = '1' ORDER BY noticeID DESC";
        else if(statusValue == "2"){
                $sql_status2="SELECT * FROM notice, user, status WHERE notice.userID = user.userID AND notice.statusID = status.statusID AND status.statusID = '2' ORDER BY noticeID DESC";
        else if(statusValue == "3"){
                $sql_status3="SELECT * FROM notice, user, status WHERE notice.userID = user.userID AND notice.statusID = status.statusID AND status.statusID =  '3' ORDER BY noticeID DESC";
        else if(statusValue == "4"){
                $sql_status4="SELECT * FROM notice, user, status WHERE notice.userID = user.userID AND notice.statusID = status.statusID AND status.statusID = '4' ORDER BY noticeID DESC";
        else if(statusValue == "5"){
                $sql_status5="SELECT * FROM notice, user, status WHERE notice.userID = user.userID AND notice.statusID = status.statusID AND status.statusID = '5' ORDER BY noticeID DESC";
        else if(statusValue == "6"){
                $sql_status6="SELECT * FROM notice, user, status WHERE notice.userID = user.userID AND notice.statusID = status.statusID AND status.statusID = '6' ORDER BY noticeID DESC";
                $sql_default="SELECT * FROM notice, user, status WHERE notice.userID = user.userID AND notice.statusID = status.statusID ORDER BY noticeID DESC";


<select id="status_valinta" style="width:210px" >
<option title="css/msdropdown_img/status_all.gif">All posts</option>
<option value="1" title=".../status1.gif">Notification</option>
<option value="2" title=".../status2.gif">Waiting for answer</option>
<option value="3" title=".../status3.gif">Guide</option>
<option value="4" title=".../status4.gif">Document</option>
<option value="5" title=".../status5.gif">Image</option>
<option value="6" title=".../status6.gif">Bug-report</option>



<table width="100%" id="notices" class="ui-widget ui-widget-content">
        <tr class="ui-widget-header ">
            while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ // Starting looping rows
            <tr style="background-color:<?php echo $rows['colorCode']; ?>">
                    <a class="opener_notice, load_data" href="notice_v2.php?id=<?php echo $rows['noticeID']; ?>">
                    <?php echo $rows['title']; ?>
                <td><?php echo $rows['firstname']; ?> <?php echo $rows['lastname']; ?>
                <td><?php echo $rows['commentID']; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo date('d.m.Y, H:i:s', strtotime( $rows['sendTime'] )); ?>
            // Stopping the looping and closing the mysql connection
            } mysql_close();

1 回答 1


您应该检查您正在处理的 html 页面的来源....因为我可以看到并理解在此代码段中编写的所有 php 代码将仅在服务器上执行,并且在 jquery 过滤中只会有空格..


$(document).ready(function() {
<?php                   // this code will be executed on the server 
    $sql_status1="SELECT status_id, status_value FROM notice, user, status WHERE notice.userID = user.userID AND notice.statusID = status.statusID ORDER BY noticeID DESC"; // considering status_id, status_value are the required attributes
    foreach(result_status1 as $res)
         $json_obj_arr[$res[status_id]] = $res[status_value]
    echo 'var notices = '.json_encode($json_obj_arr).';';  //and we will have a json abject in our html 
var notice_json = $.parseJSON(notices);       //we will parse this object 
        var statusValue = $('#status_option option:selected').val();
        alert(notice_json.statusValue);   //and directly access the value corresponding to statusValue in the notice_json object
    }) //end on change
})// end document.ready
于 2012-04-16T18:31:17.170 回答