// global scope
bool in_region_of_interest(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep) {
// TODO: Check if you aren't breaking some 3rd party functionality by exiting now.
return ep && ep->ExceptionRecord; // Pretty much a stub.
static const bool feelin_gentle = false; // Do we care for semi-clean exits?
static const DWORD min_virt_rng = 0x1000; // max virtual address that 'indicates' null ptr access.
LONG WINAPI my_unh_exc_hndlr(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS *excPtrs)
if (in_region_of_interest(excPtrs)) {
DWORD code = excPtrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode;
if (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION == code && // If fingers burn in fire.
min_virt_rng > excPtrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1]) { // If it was a *(void*)0 that we accessed.
if (feelin_gentle)
TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), code);
return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; // Give control to the next filter.
// ... somewhere in the beginning of main()
您不应该总是崩溃的原因是某些依赖项可能取决于能够处理段错误。您应该使用一种机制来动态地打开或关闭此功能,具体取决于您预期崩溃的位置。除非你真的确定它不会被破坏,否则最好忽略除地址为 0 或附近的无效访问之外的所有内容。如果 0x1000 从我的屁股中取出,我会取一个值,因为我不希望对象中有任何偏移量比我的程序中的大。
额外信息: http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363082 (v=vs.85).aspx