
考虑这些 sql 语句:

create table foo (id INT, score INT);

insert into foo values (106, 4);
insert into foo values (107, 3);
insert into foo values (106, 5);
insert into foo values (107, 5);

select T1.id, avg(T1.score) avg1
from foo T1
group by T1.id
having not exists (
    select T2.id, avg(T2.score) avg2
    from foo T2
    group by T2.id
    having avg2 > avg1);

使用 sqlite,select语句返回:

id          avg1      
----------  ----------
106         4.5       
107         4.0       

和 mysql 返回:

| id   | avg1   |
|  106 | 4.5000 |

据我所知,mysql 的结果是正确的,而 sqlite 的结果是不正确的。我尝试real使用 sqlite 进行转换,如下所示,但它仍然返回两条记录:

select T1.id, cast(avg(cast(T1.score as real)) as real) avg1
from foo T1
group by T1.id
having not exists (
    select T2.id, cast(avg(cast(T2.score as real)) as real) avg2
    from foo T2
    group by T2.id
    having avg2 > avg1);

为什么 sqlite 返回两条记录?


我针对最新的 sqlite 版本(3.7.11)运行了该语句,仍然得到两条记录。


我就这个问题向 sqlite-users@sqlite.org 发送了一封电子邮件。

我自己,我一直在玩 VDBE,发现了一些有趣的东西。我拆分了每个循环的执行跟踪not exists(每个平均组一个)。


create table foo (id VARCHAR(1), score INT);

insert into foo values ('c', 1.5);
insert into foo values ('b', 5.0);
insert into foo values ('a', 4.0);
insert into foo values ('a', 5.0);

PRAGMA vdbe_listing = 1;
PRAGMA vdbe_trace=ON;

select avg(score) avg1
from foo
group by id
having not exists (
    select avg(T2.score) avg2
    from foo T2
    group by T2.id
    having avg2 > avg1);





所以我已经玩够了 sqlite 源代码。我现在更好地理解了这头野兽,尽管我会让原始开发人员对其进行整理,因为他似乎已经这样做了:



CREATE TABLE t34(x,y);
INSERT INTO t34 VALUES(106,4), (107,3), (106,5), (107,5);  

3 回答 3


让我们看看这两种方式,我将使用 postgres 9.0 作为我的参考数据库


-- select rows from foo 

select T1.id, avg(T1.score) avg1
from foo T1
group by T1.id
-- where we don't have any rows from T2
having  not exists (
-- select rows from foo
select T2.id, avg(T2.score) avg2
from foo T2
group by T2.id
-- where the average score for any row is greater than the average for 
-- any row in T1
having avg2 > avg1);

 id  |        avg1        
 106 | 4.5000000000000000
(1 row)


-- select rows from foo 
select T1.id, avg(T1.score) avg1
from foo T1
group by T1.id
-- where we do have rows from T2
having  exists (
-- select rows from foo
select T2.id, avg(T2.score) avg2
from foo T2
group by T2.id
-- where the average score is less than or equal than the average for any row in T1
having avg2 <= avg1);
-- I think this expression will be true for all rows as we are in effect doing a
--cartesian join 
-- with the 'having' only we don't display the cartesian row set

 id  |        avg1        
 106 | 4.5000000000000000
 107 | 4.0000000000000000
(2 rows)



select T1.id, avg(T1.score) avg1 
from foo T1 group by T1.id
having avg1 not in 
(select max(avg1) from (select id,avg(score) avg1 from foo group by id)) 
于 2012-04-18T06:32:35.330 回答


似乎 sqlite 在嵌套HAVING表达式中使用先前声明的字段时出错。

在你的例子avg1中,第二个总是等于 5.0


select T1.id, avg(T1.score) avg1
from foo T1
group by T1.id
having not exists (
    SELECT 1 AS col1 GROUP BY col1 HAVING avg1 = 5.0);


having not exists (
    SELECT 1 AS col1 GROUP BY col1 HAVING avg1 <> 5.0);

我在sqlite 票务列表中找不到任何类似的错误。

于 2012-04-17T12:36:37.970 回答


select T1.id, avg(T1.score) avg1
from foo T1
group by T1.id
having not exists (
    select T2.id, avg(T2.score) avg2
    from foo T2
    group by T2.id
    having avg(T2.score) > avg(T1.score));


select T1.*
  ( select id, avg(score) avg1
    from foo 
    group by id
  ) T1
where not exists (
    select T2.id, avg(T2.score) avg2
    from foo T2
    group by T2.id
    having avg(T2.score) > avg1);

查询也可以使用派生表来处理,而不是子查询 inHAVING子句:

select ta.id, ta.avg1
  ( select id, avg(score) avg1
    from foo
    group by id
  ) ta
  ( select avg(score) avg1
    from foo 
    group by id
    order by avg1 DESC
    LIMIT 1
  ) tmp
  ON tmp.avg1 = ta.avg1 
于 2012-04-17T13:03:20.127 回答