I have a trouble with built-in open graph action type video.watches. I develop an iOS app that should post video watch events. there are two watch action types in my apps' settings and code for them is:

  1. [appnamespace]:watch
  2. video.watches

first one is used for the web site. I need to use second one (not my wish but requirement of the client). To approve the second one I have to provide the test environment to show^ how it works but I have some troubles with it, because app with OpenGraph is not in app store and also it allows watching content only in Russia territory.

So I have couple questions for those who is familiar with Open Graph:

  1. Is it possible to use video.watches request to post actions or facebook requires using request like [appnamespace]:watch for all approved actions?

  2. If the first question answer is "Yes it's possible", what should I do to provide the test environment? I mean, should I connect with any support (and how to do that?) to provide the test app version?


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