我使用 imdb api
$homepage = file_get_contents('http://www.imdbapi.com/?i='.$imdbID);
$arr = json_decode($homepage);
在 $arr 我有有关相关电影的所有数据。
Maguire [Year] => 1996 [Rated] => R [Released] => 13 Dec 1996 [Genre] => Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sport [Director] => Cameron Crowe [Writer] => Cameron Crowe [Actors] => Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., Renée Zellweger, Kelly Preston [Plot] => When a sports agent has a moral epiphany and is fired for expressing it, he decides to put his new philosophy to the test as an independent with the only athlete who stays with him. [Poster] => http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTkxNjc2NjQwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDE2NDU2MQ@@._V1_SX320.jpg [Runtime] => 2 hrs 19 mins [Rating] => 7.2 [Votes] => 97329 [ID] => tt0116695 [Response] => True )
有没有这样的功能?例如,我将给出 key=> Actors 并获取所有演员?