我发现了 AjaXplorer,我想知道是否有分步指南说明如何在我已阅读文件http://ajaxplorer.info/documentation/developer-documentation/chapter-external-bridge/的数据库之间建立链接 但还是觉得太详细了
我发现了 AjaXplorer,我想知道是否有分步指南说明如何在我已阅读文件http://ajaxplorer.info/documentation/developer-documentation/chapter-external-bridge/的数据库之间建立链接 但还是觉得太详细了
"CONF_DRIVER" => array(
"NAME" => "sql",
"OPTIONS" => array(
"SQL_DRIVER" => array(
"driver" => "mysql",
"host" => "db_server",
"database" => "db_name",
"user" => "db_username",
"password" => "db_password",
"AUTH_DRIVER" => array(
"NAME" => "sql",
//"NAME" => "remote",
"OPTIONS" => array(
"SLAVE_MODE" => true,
"SQL_DRIVER" => array(
"driver" => "mysql",
"host" => "db_server",
"database" => "db_name",
"user" => "db_username",
"password" => "db_password"
"LOGIN_URL" => "../login.php", // The URL to redirect to if a non-logged user tries to access AjaXplorer
"LOGOUT_URL" => "../logout.php", // The URL to redirect upon login out
"SECRET" => "ahmed",// the secret key that you will pass to the glueCode when communicating with it (see below)
"TRANSMIT_CLEAR_PASS" => false // Don't touch this. It's unsafe (and useless here) to transmit clear password.
define("AJXP_EXEC", true);
$glueCode = "ajaxplorer-core-4.0.4/plugins/auth.remote/glueCode.php";
$secret = "ahmed";
// Initialize the "parameters holder"
$AJXP_GLUE_GLOBALS["secret"] = $secret;
$AJXP_GLUE_GLOBALS["plugInAction"] = "login";
$AJXP_GLUE_GLOBALS["autoCreate"] = false;
// NOTE THE md5() call on the password field.
$AJXP_GLUE_GLOBALS["login"] = array("name" => $_POST["login"], "password" => md5($_POST["password"]));
// NOW call glueCode!
1) You cannot use bridge with SQL Auth method in AjaxPlorer without heavily modifying the code. 2) The above example is incorrect because you must specify the "remote" parameter for "NAME" or it will not attempt to make the bridge.
This is how the process works...
You tell AjaXplorer to bridge by specifying the "NAME" => "remote" for "AUTH_DRIVER" setting. Then, AjaXplorer links with your CMS on login attempt via the AjaXplorer CMS plugin and writes a user in the users.ser (Serial File) if they do not exist. At this point AjaXplorer does not even attempt to look at any database at all. The database is completely bypassed weather you specify "SQL_DRIVER" => $SQL_Settings or not. The ONLY way it will refer to the database is if "NAME" => 'sql' for "AUTH_DRIVER" setting. But then if you use 'sql' you will NOT be able to have bridge functionality.
Personally I think this is a HUGE bug and a major annoyance.
I hope this clears up all the confusion.