我的问题是 Qt 中似乎没有一种有效的方法来知道持久性QThread 线程何时完成了一轮工作。通过持久性,我的意思是 QThreads 在完成一些工作后不会死亡。
class Worker : public QObject
public slots:
void doWork() {
/* ... */
QThread *threadA = new QThread;
QThread *threadB = new QThread;
Worker *workerA = new Worker;
Worker *workerB = new Worker;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(workerA, "doWork", Qt::QueuedConnection);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(workerB, "doWork", Qt::QueuedConnection);
//Outside force (OS/driver) calls this very frequently.
//Gets called a lot so want to re-use threads instead of creating new
//threads each time.
C callback function(some parameters)
//STEP 1
//Feed 2 threads with computational expensive work.
//threads should be pre-made threads to save time on thread creation.
//do not terminate threads because they will be re-used next time C callback
//is called with a new round of work.
//STEP 2
//Need to pause/wait/BLOCK function execution here until the 2 worker threads
//have completed the work.
//THIS IS THE PROBLEM! No efficient way to block! I don't see how a signal/slot
//can be used for this purpose.
//After 2 threads complete their assigned work, resume execution of this C
//callback function.
//Perform some non-threaded work in this function to complete the job.
//return (end function execution), all work for this round/call is complete.
我不能调用 QThread::wait() 因为它只能用于阻塞,直到在 NON-PERSISTENT THREADS 场景中完成工作。wait() 一直等到线程死掉......使它对我的需求毫无用处。对我来说,wait() 只是永远等待,因为我的线程不会死。
我不认为信号槽的东西可以用于阻塞,至少我不明白如何。也许有一些不明显的事件技巧。我意识到我可以有一个忙碌的循环检查一些由工作线程操作的标志,但这会使 CPU 时间远离线程。
如果您知道使用持久性 QThread 线程进行阻塞的有效方法,我将非常感谢您提供如何完成此操作的代码示例。