我将来自不同来源的几个代码片段拼凑在一起,并在http://bit.ly/HWdUqK上创建了 Wolfram 博客文章的粗略实现- 对于那些有数学倾向的人来说,这非常有趣!

毫不奇怪,鉴于我仍然是 Racket 的新手,代码需要花费太多时间来计算结果(> 90 分钟而作者为 49 秒)并且会占用大量内存。我怀疑这完全是关于需要修改的定义(expListY)。

虽然我有它在 DrRacket 中工作,但我也遇到了字节编译源的问题,并且仍在处理它(错误消息+: expects type <number> as 1st argument, given: #f; other arguments were: 1 -1:)




5 回答 5


可能类似于 soegaard 的解决方案,除了这个会推出自己的“解析器”,因此它是自包含的。它在我的机器上不到 6 秒就生成了完整的 100 年列表。这段代码使用了很多技巧,但实际上并不是以任何严肃的方式被称为“优化”的东西:我相信它可以通过一些记忆、关注最大化树共享等变得更快。但是对于这么小的域,不值得付出努力......(这段代码的质量也是如此......)

BTW#1,除了解析之外,使用的原始解决方案eval不会让事情变得更快......对于这样的事情,通常最好手动编写“评估器”。顺便说一句#2,这并不意味着 Racket 比 Mathematica 快——我确信那篇文章中的解决方案也让它磨削了多余的 CPU 周期,并且类似的解决方案会更快。

#lang racket

(define (tuples list n)
  (let loop ([n n])
    (if (zero? n)
      (for*/list ([y (in-list (loop (sub1 n)))] [x (in-list list)])
        (cons x y)))))

(define precedence
  (let ([t (make-hasheq)])
    (for ([ops '((#f) (+ -) (* /) (||))] [n (in-naturals)])
      (for ([op ops]) (hash-set! t op n)))

(define (do op x y)
  (case op
    [(+) (+ x y)] [(-) (- x y)] [(*) (* x y)] [(/) (/ x y)]
    [(||) (+ (* 10 x) y)]))

(define (run ops nums)
  (unless (= (add1 (length ops)) (length nums)) (error "poof"))
  (let loop ([nums     (cddr nums)]
             [ops      (cdr ops)]
             [numstack (list (cadr nums) (car nums))]
             [opstack  (list (car ops))])
    (if (and (null? ops) (null? opstack))
      (car numstack)
      (let ([op    (and (pair? ops) (car ops))]
            [topop (and (pair? opstack) (car opstack))])
        (if (> (hash-ref precedence op)
               (hash-ref precedence topop))
          (loop (cdr nums)
                (cdr ops)
                (cons (car nums) numstack)
                (cons op opstack))
          (loop nums
                (cons (do topop (cadr numstack) (car numstack))
                      (cddr numstack))
                (cdr opstack)))))))

(define (expr ops* nums*)
  (define ops  (map symbol->string ops*))
  (define nums (map number->string nums*))
  (string-append* (cons (car nums) (append-map list ops (cdr nums)))))

(define nums  (for/list ([i (in-range 10 0 -1)]) i))
(define year1 2012)
(define nyears 100)
(define year2 (+ year1 nyears))
(define years (make-vector nyears '()))
(for ([ops (in-list (tuples '(+ - * / ||) 9))])
  (define r (run ops nums))
  (when (and (integer? r) (<= year1 r) (< r year2))
    (vector-set! years (- r year1)
                 (cons ops (vector-ref years (- r year1))))))

(for ([solutions (in-vector years)] [year (in-range year1 year2)])
  (if (pair? solutions)
    (printf "~a = ~a~a\n"
            year (expr (car solutions) nums)
            (if (null? (cdr solutions))
              (format " (~a more)" (length (cdr solutions)))))
    (printf "~a: no combination!\n" year)))
于 2012-04-16T07:54:19.613 回答

下面是我的实现。我在你的代码中调整和优化了一两件事,在我的笔记本电脑上大约需要 35 分钟才能完成(当然是一个改进!)我发现表达式的评估是真正的性能杀手——如果不是因为调用该程序to-expression,程序将在一分钟内完成。

我想在原生使用中缀表示法的编程语言中,评估会快得多,但在 Scheme 中,解析然后评估带有中缀表达式的字符串的成本实在是太多了。

也许有人可以指出一个合适的soegaard/infix包装替代品?或者,一种直接评估考虑运算符优先级的中缀表达式列表的方法,例如'(1 + 3 - 4 & 7)- where&代表数字连接并具有最高优先级(例如:)4 & 7 = 47,而其他算术运算符 ( +, -, *, /) 遵循通常的优先级规则。

#lang at-exp racket

(require (planet soegaard/infix)
         (planet soegaard/infix/parser))

(define (product lst1 lst2) 
  (for*/list ([x (in-list lst1)] 
              [y (in-list lst2)]) 
    (cons x y))) 

(define (tuples lst n)
  (if (zero? n)
      (product lst (tuples lst (sub1 n)))))

(define (riffle numbers ops)
  (if (null? ops)
      (list (car numbers))
      (cons (car numbers)
            (cons (car ops)
                  (riffle (cdr numbers)
                          (cdr ops))))))

(define (expression-string numbers optuple)
  (apply string-append
         (riffle numbers optuple)))

(define (to-expression exp-str)
    #'here (open-input-string exp-str))))

(define (make-all-combinations numbers ops)
  (let loop ((opts (tuples ops (sub1 (length numbers))))
             (acc '()))
    (if (null? opts)
        (let ((exp-str (expression-string numbers (car opts))))
          (loop (cdr opts)
                (cons (cons exp-str (to-expression exp-str)) acc))))))

(define (show-n-expressions all-combinations years)
  (for-each (lambda (year)
              (for-each (lambda (comb)
                          (when (= (cdr comb) year)
                            (printf "~s ~a~n" year (car comb))))
              (printf "~n"))


(define numbers '("10" "9" "8" "7" "6" "5" "4" "3" "2" "1"))
(define ops '("" "+" "-" "*" "/"))
; beware: this takes around 35 minutes to finish in my laptop
(define all-combinations (make-all-combinations numbers ops))
(show-n-expressions all-combinations
                    (build-list 5 (lambda (n) (+ n 2012))))

更新 :

我捕获了 Eli Barzilay 的表情评估器并将其插入我的解决方案中,现在所有组合的预计算大约在 5 秒内完成!该show-n-expressions过程仍然需要一些工作来避免每次迭代整个组合列表,但这留给读者作为练习。重要的是,现在对所有可能的表达式组合的值进行暴力破解的速度非常快。

#lang racket

(define (tuples lst n)
  (if (zero? n)
      (for*/list ((y (in-list (tuples lst (sub1 n))))
                  (x (in-list lst)))
        (cons x y))))

(define (riffle numbers ops)
  (if (null? ops)
      (list (car numbers))
      (cons (car numbers)
            (cons (car ops)
                  (riffle (cdr numbers)
                          (cdr ops))))))

(define (expression-string numbers optuple)
   (map (lambda (x)
          (cond ((eq? x '&) "")
                ((symbol? x) (symbol->string x))
                ((number? x) (number->string x))))
        (riffle numbers optuple))))

(define eval-ops
  (let ((precedence (make-hasheq
                     '((& . 3) (/ . 2) (* . 2)
                       (- . 1) (+ . 1) (#f . 0))))
        (apply-op   (lambda (op x y)
                      (case op
                        ((+) (+ x y)) ((-) (- x y))
                        ((*) (* x y)) ((/) (/ x y))
                        ((&) (+ (* 10 x) y))))))
    (lambda (nums ops)
      (let loop ((nums     (cddr nums))
                 (ops      (cdr ops))
                 (numstack (list (cadr nums) (car nums)))
                 (opstack  (list (car ops))))
        (if (and (null? ops) (null? opstack))
            (car numstack)
            (let ((op    (and (pair? ops) (car ops)))
                  (topop (and (pair? opstack) (car opstack))))
              (if (> (hash-ref precedence op)
                     (hash-ref precedence topop))
                  (loop (cdr nums)
                        (cdr ops)
                        (cons (car nums) numstack)
                        (cons op opstack))
                  (loop nums
                        (cons (apply-op topop (cadr numstack) (car numstack))
                              (cddr numstack))
                        (cdr opstack)))))))))

(define (make-all-combinations numbers ops)
  (foldl (lambda (optuple tail)
           (cons (cons (eval-ops numbers optuple) optuple) tail))
         empty (tuples ops (sub1 (length numbers)))))

(define (show-n-expressions all-combinations numbers years)
  (for-each (lambda (year)
              (for-each (lambda (comb)
                          (when (= (car comb) year)
                            (printf "~s ~a~n"
                                    (expression-string numbers (cdr comb)))))
              (printf "~n"))


(define numbers '(10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(define ops '(& + - * /))
; this is very fast now!
(define all-combinations (make-all-combinations numbers ops))
(show-n-expressions all-combinations numbers
                    (build-list 5 (lambda (n) (+ n 2012))))
于 2012-04-15T22:42:20.193 回答

正如 Óscar 指出的那样,问题在于 soegaard/infix 对于这类问题来说很慢。

我在 GitHub 上找到了一个用于中缀表达式的标准 shunting-yard 解析器,并在 Racket 中编写了以下程序:

#lang racket
(require "infix-calc.scm")

(define operators '("*" "/" "+" "-" ""))
(for*/list ([o1  (in-list operators)]
            [o2  (in-list operators)]
            [o3  (in-list operators)]
            [o4  (in-list operators)]
            [o5  (in-list operators)]
            [o6  (in-list operators)]
            [o7  (in-list operators)]
            [o8  (in-list operators)]
            [o9  (in-list operators)]
            [expr (in-value
                  (apply string-append
                        (list "1" o1 "2" o2 "3" o3 "4" o4 "5" o5 "6" o6 "7" o7 "8" o8 "9" o9 "10")))]
             #:when (= (first (calc expr)) 2012))

不到 3 分钟后,结果如下:

Welcome to DrRacket, version 5.2.900.2--2012-03-29(8c22c6c/a) [3m].
Language: racket; memory limit: 128 MB.
cpu time: 144768 real time: 148818 gc time: 25252

中缀解析器由 Andrew Levenson 编写。解析器和上面的代码可以在这里找到:


于 2012-04-16T07:32:47.150 回答

这不是一个完整的答案,但我认为这是 Óscar López 要求的图书馆的替代品。不幸的是它在clojure中,但希望它足够清楚......

(def default-priorities
  {'+ 1, '- 1, '* 2, '/ 2, '& 3})

(defn- extend-tree [tree priorities operator value]
  (if (seq? tree)
    (let [[op left right] tree
          [old new] (map priorities [op operator])]
      (if (> new old)
        (list op left (extend-tree right priorities operator value))
        (list operator tree value)))
    (list operator tree value)))

(defn priority-tree
  ([operators values] (priority-tree operators values default-priorities))
  ([operators values priorities] (priority-tree operators values priorities nil))
  ([operators values priorities tree]
    (if-let [operators (seq operators)]
      (if tree
          (rest operators) (rest values) priorities
          (extend-tree tree priorities (first operators) (first values)))
        (let [[v1 v2 & values] values]
          (recur (rest operators) values priorities (list (first operators) v1 v2))))

; [] [+ & *] [1 2 3 4] 1+23*4
; [+ 1 2] [& *] [3 4] - initial tree
; [+ 1 [& 2 3]] [*] [4] - binds more strongly than + so replace right-most node
; [+ 1 [* [& 2 3] 4]] [] [] - descend until do not bind more tightly, and extend

(println (priority-tree ['+ '& '*] [1 2 3 4])) ; 1+23*4
(println (priority-tree ['& '- '* '+ '&] [1 2 3 4 5 6])) ; 12 - 3*4 + 56


(+ 1 (* (& 2 3) 4))
(+ (- (& 1 2) (* 3 4)) (& 5 6))


(defn & [a b] (+ b (* 10 a)))

(defn all-combinations [tokens length]
  (if (> length 0)
    (for [token tokens
          smaller (all-combinations tokens (dec length))]
      (cons token smaller))

(defn all-expressions [operators digits]
  (map #(priority-tree % digits)
    (all-combinations operators (dec (count digits)))))

(defn all-solutions [target operators digits]
  (doseq [expression
          (filter #(= (eval %) target)
            (all-expressions operators digits))]
    (println expression)))

(all-solutions 2012 ['+ '- '* '/ '&] (range 10 0 -1))

解决了问题,但速度很慢 - 28 分钟即可完成。这是在一台不错的、相当新的笔记本电脑(i7-2640M)上。

(+ (- (+ 10 (* 9 (& 8 7))) (& 6 5)) (* 4 (& (& 3 2) 1)))
(+ (- (+ (+ (* (* 10 9) 8) 7) 6) 5) (* 4 (& (& 3 2) 1)))
(- (- (+ (- (& 10 9) (* 8 7)) (* (& (& 6 5) 4) 3)) 2) 1)

(我只打印了 2012 年 - 见上面的代码 - 但它会评估整个序列)。

所以,不幸的是,这并不能真正回答这个问题,因为它并不比 Óscar López 的代码快。我想下一步是在评估中加入一些聪明才智,这样可以节省一些时间。但是什么?

[更新 2 ] 在阅读了这里的其他帖子后,我替换eval

(defn my-eval [expr]
  (if (seq? expr)
    (let [[op left right] expr]
      (case op
        + (+ (my-eval left) (my-eval right))
        - (- (my-eval left) (my-eval right))
        * (* (my-eval left) (my-eval right))
        / (/ (my-eval left) (my-eval right))
        & (& (my-eval left) (my-eval right))))

运行时间降至 45 秒。仍然不是很好,但它是一个非常低效的解析/评估。

[更新 3 ] 为完整起见,以下是调车场算法(一个始终为左关联的简单算法)和相关评估的实现,但它仅将时间减少到 35 秒。

(defn shunting-yard
  ([operators values] (shunting-yard operators values default-priorities))
  ([operators values priorities]
    (let [[value & values] values]
      (shunting-yard operators values priorities nil (list value))))
  ([operators values priorities stack-ops stack-vals]
;    (println operators values stack-ops stack-vals)
    (if-let [[new & short-operators] operators]
      (let [[value & short-values] values]
        (if-let [[old & short-stack-ops] stack-ops]
          (if (> (priorities new) (priorities old))
            (recur short-operators short-values priorities (cons new stack-ops) (cons value stack-vals))
            (recur operators values priorities short-stack-ops (cons old stack-vals)))
          (recur short-operators short-values priorities (list new) (cons value stack-vals))))
      (concat (reverse stack-vals) stack-ops))))

(defn stack-eval
  ([stack] (stack-eval (rest stack) (list (first stack))))
  ([stack values]
    (if-let [[op & stack] stack]
      (let [[right left & tail] values]
        (case op
          + (recur stack (cons (+ left right) tail))
          - (recur stack (cons (- left right) tail))
          * (recur stack (cons (* left right) tail))
          / (recur stack (cons (/ left right) tail))
          & (recur stack (cons (& left right) tail))
          (recur stack (cons op values))))
      (first values))))
于 2012-04-16T01:28:17.087 回答

有趣的!我不得不尝试一下,它是用 Python 编写的,希望你不介意。它运行大约 28 秒,PyPy 1.8,Core 2 Duo 1.4

from __future__ import division
from math import log
from operator import add, sub, mul 
div = lambda a, b: float(a) / float(b)

years = set(range(2012, 2113))

none = lambda a, b: a * 10 ** (int(log(b, 10)) + 1) + b
priority = {none: 3, mul: 2, div: 2, add: 1, sub: 1}
symbols = {none: '', mul: '*', div: '/', add: '+', sub: '-', None: ''}

def evaluate(numbers, operators):
    ns, ops = [], []
    for n, op in zip(numbers, operators):
        while ops and (op is None or priority[ops[-1]] >= priority[op]):
            last_n = ns.pop()
            last_op = ops.pop()
            n = last_op(last_n, n)
    return n

def display(numbers, operators):
    return ''.join([
        i for n, op in zip(numbers, operators) for i in (str(n), symbols[op])])

def expressions(years):
    numbers = 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
    operators = none, add, sub, mul, div
    pools = [operators] * (len(numbers) - 1) + [[None]]
    result = [[]]
    for pool in pools:
        result = [x + [y] for x in result for y in pool]
    for ops in result:
        expression = evaluate(numbers, ops)
        if expression in years:
            yield '%d = %s' % (expression, display(numbers, ops))

for year in sorted(expressions(years)):
    print year
于 2012-04-16T21:09:03.100 回答