我正在尝试改进一个简单的 AS3 弹弓,该弹弓可在http://blog.shaperstudio.com/2010/10/as3-create-a-slingshot-with-an-elastic-effect/获得, 以便我可以做到更现实。


if ( mouseX > centerX + _maximumPULL.x) _mouse_x = centerX + _maximumPULL.x;                
            else if ( mouseX < centerX - _maximumPULL.x) _mouse_x = centerX - _maximumPULL.x;
            else _mouse_x = mouseX;

if ( mouseY > centerY + _maximumPULL.y) _mouse_y = centerY + _maximumPULL.y;                
            else if ( mouseY < centerY - _maximumPULL.y) _mouse_y = centerY - _maximumPULL.y;
            else _mouse_y = mouseY;

其中 _maximumPULL 是一个点变量,它返回我们可以拉弹性多远,像这样?:

_maximumPULL = new Point(200 * Math.cos(degree * Math.PI / 180), 100 * Math.sin(degree * Math.PI / 180));


我一直试图在这里理解类似的问题:http: //www.soundstep.com/blog/2011/04/08/knob-as3-drag-on-circle-or-ellipse/

在这里:ActionScript 3 Trig Equations to create Ellipse



1 回答 1


Might not be exactly what you're after but what about drawing the exact shape you want (be it in flash, or programatically using the graphics class) and then check for collision between the ball and the allowed area.

You can code that very simply by adding something like this inside your mouseMove event function:

if (theBall.hitTestObject( allowedRange )){
    //Put your code that figures out where the ball should be
}//otherwise, it won't alter the position of the ball :D
于 2012-04-18T02:58:39.460 回答