MinMaxArray 类:
public class MinMaxArray
public static <T> void MinMax(T[] anArray)
//return an instance of class Pair
}//class MinMaxArray
//Two objects grouped into a pair.
public class Pair<FirstType, SecondType>
//The first object.
private final FirstType first;
//The second object.
private final SecondType second;
//Constructor is given the two objects.
public Pair(FirstType requiredFirst, SecondType requiredSecond)
first = requiredFirst;
second = requiredSecond;
//Return the first object.
public FirstType getFirst()
return first;
//Return the second object.
public SecondType getSecond()
return second;
}//class Pair
我不确定如何返回 Pair 类的实例。不寻找答案,只是一个起点。谢谢