我已阅读有关 http 请求的文档并最终编写了此标头:
int *binary = new int[bufferLength]; // And fill it
std::stringstream out;
out << "POST /push1_pub?id=game HTTP/1.1\r\n";
out << "User-Agent: Lotosoft soccer client\r\n";
out << "Host: localhost\r\n";
out << "Accept: */*\r\n";
out << "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n";
out << "Content-Length: " << bufferLength << "\r\n\r\n";
// Take out string from stream
std::string headers = out.str();
// Length of new array of bytes (headers + binary data + \0)
const int rawLen = headers.size() + bufferLength*sizeof(int) + 1;
char *raw = new char[rawLen];
// Copy headers data into bytes array
strcpy(raw, headers.c_str());
// Apply offset to bytes array and fill another part with binary array of ints
memcpy(raw+headers.size(), binary, bufferLength*sizeof(int));
std::cout << raw << std::endl;
// Send it to socket
if (socket.send(raw, rawLen) == -1)
std::cout << "Failed to send headers\n";