When I hit the refresh button in Internet Explorer, my backbone.js application dumps the last JSON output it fetched to the screen. I am not using the router. I know there's a way to disable this but I can't remember. Could someone point me in the right direction?


My application already disables cache:

$.ajaxSetup cache: false

Also, I am performing a fetch() after the application initialises which is an anti-pattern according to the backbone docs: http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Collection-fetch


1 回答 1


如果将 .html 附加到 url,IE8 将正常运行。这表明 IE8 不发送正确的内容类型标头。

正确的方法是按照 Backbone.js 网站http://backbonejs.org/#FAQ-bootstrap上的建议在初始页面加载时引导所有 json 集合

于 2012-08-24T22:33:35.237 回答